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Selected Essays, Volume II Studies in Theology

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Lingua: Inglese
Pubblicazione: 08/2023

Note Editore

Taken together, these two volumes collect seventy-five essays written by Professor Andrew Louth over a forty-year period. Louth's contribution to scholarship and theology has always been significant, and these essays have been collected from journals and edited collections, many of which are difficult to access, and are here made available over two thought-provoking and wide-ranging volumes. Volume II collects essays on a variety of theological topics, arranged chronologically, showing the development of Louth's thought since 1978. Throughout this collection the nature of 'theology', as it is understood within Orthodox tradition, is a constant concern. These essays offer distinctive reflections on categories -- such as 'development of doctrine' -- that have become foundational in modern western thought but which must be viewed rather differently from an Orthodox perspective. The legacy of modern Russian Orthodox thought -- especially the key figures of the twentieth century Russian diaspora -- is under constant consideration, and forms a constant dialogue partner.


1 - The Hermeneutical Question approached through the Fathers
2 - As if Julian the Apostate had written a history of early Church dogma...
3 - The Place of The Heart of the World in the theology of Hans Urs von Balthasar
4 - Eros and Mysticism: Early Christian Interpretation of the Song of Songs
5 - The Image of Heloise in English Literature
6 - Theological Reflections on Pilgrimage
7 - The Theology of the Philokalia
8 - Theology, Contemplation, and the University
9 - Father Sergii Bulgakov on the Mother of God
10 - The Eucharist in the Theology of Fr Sergii Bulgakov
11 - The Jesus Prayer and the theology of Deification in Fr Pavel Florensky and Fr Sergii Bulgakov
12 - Is the Development of Doctrine a valid category for Orthodox Theology?
13 - The Authority of the Fathers in the Western Orthodox Diaspora in the Twentieth Century
14 - Pagans and Christians on Providence
15 - What is Theology? What is Orthodox Theology?
16 - The Place of Oewoic in Orthodox Theology
17 - Inspiration of the Scriptures
18 - Sergii Bulgakov and the Task of Theology
19 - Space, Time, and the Liturgy
20 - Apostolicity and the Apostle Andrew in the Byzantine Tradition
21 - Holiness and Sanctity in the Early Church
22 - The Influence of the Philokalia in the Orthodox World
23 - Experiencing the Liturgy in Byzantium
24 - Theology of the 'in-between'
25 - Fiunt, non nascuntur Christiani: Conversion, community and Christian identity in Late Antiquity
26 - Analogy in Karl Barth and Orthodoxy Theology
27 - Easter, Calendar, Cosmos: an Orthodox View
28 - Pseudonymity and Secret Tradition in Early Christianity: some reflections on the development of Mariology
29 - The Recovery of the Icon
30 - Mary the Mother of God and Ecclesiology: some Orthodox Reflections
31 - What did Vladimir Lossky mean by 'mystical theology'?
32 - The Slav Philokalia and The Way of a Pilgrim
33 - Reflections inspired by Cardinal Grillmeier's Der Logos am Kreuz
34 - Bulgakov and Russian Sophiology
35 - Exile, Hospitality, Sobornost': the Experience of the Russian Émigrés
36 - Eucharistic Doctrine and Eucharistic Devotion
37 - The Doctrine of the Trinity in Byzantine Theology


Andrew Louth is Emeritus Professor of Patristic and Byzantine Studies in the Department of Theology and Religion at Durham University. He is the editor of the journal Sobornost, and editor, with Professor Gillian Clark, of the series Oxford Early Christian Studies and Oxford Early Christian Texts. Lewis Ayres is a Professor of Catholic & Historical Theology in the Department of Theology and Religion at Durham University. John Behr is Regius Professor of Humanity at the University of Aberdeen.

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Condizione: Nuovo
Dimensioni: 240 x 32.0 x 160 mm Ø 900 gr
Formato: Copertina rigida
Pagine Arabe: 496

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