MEAT, PROCESS EDMEATS AND POULTRYMethods to Predict Spoilage of Muscle Foods, G. Duffy, A. Dolan, and C.M. BurgessMicrobial Foodborne Pathogens, M. Mataragas and E.H. DrosinosParasites, A. NäreahoMycotoxin Analysis in Poultry and Processed Meats, J.-D. Bailly and P. GuerreDetection of Genetically Modified Organisms in Processed Meats and Poultry, A. Germini and A. TonelliDetection of Adulterations: Addition of Foreign Proteins, M.C. García López and M.L. Marina AlegreDetection of Adulterations: Identification of Animal Species, J.A. LenstraDetection of Irradiated Ingredients, E.M. StewartGrowth Promoters, M. Reig and F. ToldráAntibiotic Residues in Muscle Tissues of Edible Animal Products, E. VerdonDetermination of Persistent Organic Pollutants in Meat, A.L. Iamiceli, I. Fochi, G. Brambilla, and A. di DomenicoBiogenic Amines, M.C. Vidal-Carou, M.L. Latorre-Moratalla, and S. Bover-CidNitrosamines, S. Rath and F.G. Reyes ReyesPolycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, P. ŠimkoFISH AND SEAFOODSAssessment of Seafood Spoilage and the Microorganisms Involved, R.E. LevinDetection of the Principal Foodborne Pathogens in Seafoods and Seafood-Related Environments, D. Rodríguez-Lázaro and M. HernándezParasites, J.A. Balbuena and J.A. RagaTechniques of Diagnosis of Fish and Shellfish Virus and Viral Diseases, C. Pereira Dopazo and I. BandínMarine Toxins, C. Empey Campora and Y. HokamaDetection of Adulterations: Addition of Foreign Proteins, V. Verrez-BagnisDetection of Adulterations: Identification of Seafood Species, A. Puyet and J.M. BautistaSpectrochemical Methods for the Determination of Metals in Seafood, J. Sneddon and C.A. ThibodeauxFood Irradiation and Its Detection, Y.C. Wong, D.W.M. Sin, and W.Y. YaoVeterinary Drugs, A. KaufmannAnalysis of Dioxins in Seafood and Seafood Products, L.R. Bordajandi, B. Gómara, and M.J. GonzálezEnvironmental Contaminants: Persistent Organic Pollutants, M. PeruginiBiogenic Amines in Seafood Products, C. Ruiz-Capillas and F. Jiménez-ColmeneroDetection of GM Ingredients in Fish Feed,K. Messens, N. Gryson, K. Audenaert, and M. EeckhoutMILK AND DAIRY PRODUCTSMicrobial Flora, E. TsakalidouSpoilage Detection, M.C. Dantas VanettiPCR-Based Methods for Detection of Foodborne Bacterial Pathogens in Dairy Products, I. Whiting, N. Cook, M. Hernández, D. Rodríguez-Lázaro, and M. D’AgostinoMycotoxins and Toxins, C. Soler, J.M. Soriano, and J. MañesDetection of Adulterations: Addition of Foreign Lipids and Proteins, S.M. van Ruth, M.G.E.G. Bremer, and R. FrankhuizenDetection of Adulterations: Identification of Milk Origin, G. MoatsouAnalysis of Antibiotics in Milk and Its Products, J. WangChemical Contaminants: Phthalates, J. Zhu, S.P. Phillips, and X.-L. CaoEnvironmental Contaminants, S. Bogialli and A. Di CorciaAllergens, V. Tregoat and A.J. van HengelINDEX