Volume 1: Defining the Rural Introduction, Nick Gallent and Mark Scott Part 1: Definitions and Conceptualisations 1. Paul J. Cloke, ‘An index of rurality for England and Wales’, Regional Studies, 11, 1, 1977, pp.31-46. 2. Keith Hoggart, ‘Not a Definition of Rural’ Area, 20, 1, 1988, pp.35-40. 3. Keith H. Halfacree, ‘Locality and social representation: space, discourse and alternative definitions of the rural’ Journal of rural studies, 9, 1, 1993, pp.23-37. 4. Paul Cloke, ‘Conceptualizing rurality’ in Paul Cloke, Terry Marsden and Patrick Mooney (eds.) Handbook of Rural Studies (Sage Publication, 2006), pp.18-28. Part 2: Continuums and Classifications 5. Marc Antrop, ‘Landscape change and the urbanization process in Europe’, Landscape and Urban Planning, 67, 1, 2004, pp. 9-26. 6. R. E. Pahl, ‘The Rural-Urban Continuum’ Sociologia Ruralis, 6, 3, 1966, pp.299-329. 7. Terry Marsden, Jonathon Murdoch, Philip Lowe, Richard C. Munton and Andrew Flynn ‘Constructing the Countryside’ in Constructing the Countryside: An Approach To Rural Development, (Routledge, 1993), pp. 172-191. 8. Philip Lowe and Neil Ward ‘England's Rural Futures: A Socio-Geographical Approach to Scenarios Analysis’, Regional Studies, 43, 10, 2009, pp. 1319-1332. 9. Peter H. Verburg, Derek B. van Berkel, Anne M. van Doorn, Michiel van Eupen and Harm A. R. M. van den Heiligenberg, ‘Trajectories of land use change in Europe: a model-based exploration of rural futures’ Landscape ecology, 25, 2, 2010, pp. 217-232. Part 3: The Scope of Rural Pressure and Restructuring 10. Peter B. Nelson, ‘Rural restructuring in the American West: land use, family and class discourses’ Journal of Rural Studies, 17, 4, 2001, pp.395-407. 11. Hannah Gosnell and Jesse Abrams, ‘Amenity migration: diverse conceptualizations of drivers, socioeconomic dimensions, and emerging challenges’ GeoJournal, 76, 4, 2011, pp.303-322. 12. Clare J. A. Mitchell, ‘Making sense of counterurbanization’ Journal of Rural Studies, 20, 1, 2004, pp.15-34. 13. Martin Phillips, ‘Rural Gentrification and the Processes of Class Colonisation’, Journal of Rural Studies, 9, 2, 1993, pp.123-140. 14. Keith Hoggart and Angel Paniagua, ‘What rural restructuring?’ Journal of Rural Studies, 17, 1, 2001, pp.41-62. 15. Michael Woods, ‘Conflicting Environmental Visions of the Rural: Windfarm Development in Mid Wales’, Sociologia Ruralis, 43, 3, 2003, pp.271-288. Volume 2: Rural Planning – Strategy and Actions Part 4: The Evolving Scope of Rural Planning 16. Patrick Abercrombie, ‘The Preservation of Rural England’, The Town Planning Review, 12, 1, 1926, pp. 5-56. 17. Nigel Curry and Stephen Owen, ‘Rural planning in England: A critique of current policy’, Town Planning Review, 80, 6, 2009, pp.576-595. 18. Mark B. Lapping, ‘Rural policy and planning’, in Paul Cloke, Terry Marsden and Patrick Mooney (eds.) Handbook of Rural Studies (Sage Publication, 2006), pp. 104-122. 19. Mark Shucksmith, ‘Disintegrated Rural Development? Neo-endogenous Rural Development, Planning and Place-Shaping in Diffused Power Contexts’, Sociologia Ruralis, 50, 1, 2010, pp.1-14. Part 5: Rural Policy, Planning and Development in its Governance Context 20. Mark Goodwin, ‘The governance of Rural Areas: Some Emerging Research Issues and Agendas’, Journal of Rural Studies, 14, 1, 1998, pp. 5-12. 21. Bill Edwards, Mark Goodwin, Simon Pemberton, Michael Woods, ‘Partnerships, power, and scale in rural governance’, Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 19, 2001, pp. 289-310. 22. Lynda Herbert-Cheshire, ‘Translating Policy: Power and Action in Australia's Country Towns’, Sociologia Ruralis, 43, 4, 2003, pp.454-473. 23. Stephen Owen, Malcolm Moseley and Paul Courtney, ‘Bridging the gap: An attempt to reconcile strategic planning and very local community-based planning in rural England’ Local Government Studies, 33, 1, 2007, pp.49-76. 24. George C. Homsy and Mildred E. Warner, ‘Climate Change and the Co-Production of Knowledge and Policy in Rural USA Communities’, Sociologia Ruralis, 53, 3, 2013, pp.291-310. Part 6: Community Action and Planning 25. Jonathan Murdoch, and Simone Abram, ‘Defining the Limits of Community Governance’, Journal of Rural Studies, 14, 1, 1998, pp.41-50. 26. Stephen Owen, ‘The role of village design statements in fostering a locally responsive approach to village planning and design in the UK’, Journal of Urban Design, 3, 3, 1998, pp.359-380. 27. Charles R. Warren and Malcolm McFadyen, ‘Does community ownership affect public attitudes to wind energy? A case study from south-west Scotland’ Land Use Policy, 27, 2, 2010, pp.204-213. 28. Martin Phillips and Jennifer Dickie, ‘Narratives of transition/non-transition towards low carbon futures within English rural communities’, Journal of Rural Studies, 34, 2014, pp.79-95. Part 7: Land-use, Spatial and Settlement Planning 29. Peter Hall, ‘The Containment of Urban England’ The Geographical Journal, 140, 3, 1974, pp.386-408. 30. Hubert N. van Lier, ‘The role of land use planning in sustainable rural systems’ Landscape and Urban Planning, 41, 2, 1998, pp.83-91. 31. Louis Albrechts, ‘Strategic (spatial) planning re-examined’, Environment and Planning B: Environment and Design, 31, 2004, pp.743-758. 32. Eva Kerselaers, Elke Rogge, Elke Vanempten, Ludwig Lauwers and Guido Van Huylenbroeck, ‘Changing land use in the countryside: Stakeholders’ perception of the ongoing rural planning processes in Flanders’, Land Use Policy, 32, 2013, pp.197-206. Part 8: The Economic Context for Rural Planning 33. Ida J. Terluin, ‘Differences in economic development in rural regions of advanced countries: an overview and critical analysis of theories’, Journal of Rural Studies, 19, 3, 2003, pp. 327-344. 34. David Gray, ‘Economic approaches to the rural’, in Bosworth, G. and Somerville, P. (eds.) Interpreting Rurality: Multi-disciplinary Approaches, (Routledge: London, 2014), pp. 32-53. 35. Sheela Agarwal, Sanzidur Rahman and Andrew Errington, ‘Measuring the determinants of relative economic performance of rural areas’, Journal of Rural Studies, 25, 3, 2009, pp.309-321. 36. Ian Hodge and Sarah Monk, ‘The economic diversity of rural England: stylised fallacies and uncertain evidence’, Journal of Rural Studies, 20, 3, 2004, pp.263-272. 37. Sean Markey, Greg Halseth and Don Manson, ‘Challenging the inevitability of rural decline: Advancing the policy of place in northern British Columbia’, Journal of Rural Studies, 24, 4, 2008, pp.409-421. 38. Matthew Tonts, Paul Plummer and Neil Argent, ‘Path dependence, resilience and the evolution of new rural economies: Perspectives from rural Western Australia’, Journal of Rural Studies, 36, 2014, pp.362-375. Part 9: Landscape Planning and Protection 39. Marc Antrop, ‘Why landscapes of the past are important for the future’, Landscape and Urban Planning, 70, 2005, pp. 21–34. 40. Paul Selman, ‘Community participation in the planning and management of cultural landscapes’, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 47, 3, 2004, pp. 365-392. 41. Carol Morris and Clive Potter, ‘Recruiting the New Conservationists: Farmers' Adoption of Agri-environmental Schemes in the UK’, Journal of Rural Studies, 11, 1, 1995, pp.51-63. 42. Elizabeth Lokocz, Robert L. Ryan and Anna Jarita Sadler, ‘Motivations for land protection and stewardship: Exploring place attachment and rural landscape character in Massachusetts’, Landscape and Urban Planning, 99, 2, 2011, pp.65-76. 43. Ian D. Hodge and William M. Adams, ‘Neoliberalisation, rural land trusts and institutional blending’, Geoforum, 43, 3, 2012, pp.472-482. Part 10: Rural Resources Planning: From Land Preservation to Eco-System Services and Countryside Capital 44. Thomas L. Daniels and Mark Lapping, ‘Land Preservation: An Essential Ingredient in Smart Growth’, Journal of Planning Literature, 19, 3, 2005, pp.316-329. 45. Michael Hibbard and Susan Lurie, ‘The New Natural Resource Economy: Environment and Economy in Transitional Rural Communities’, Society & Natura