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Routledge International Companion to Education

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Lingua: Inglese


Pubblicazione: 05/2000
Edizione: 1° edizione


The "Routledge International Companion to Education brings together a range of authoritative accounts of key issues facing educationalists as the new century begins. The volume contains almost sixty major contributions exploring issues ranging from early childhood to adult education, from developments in the teaching of reading to challenges of peace education.
The chapters are divided into five topic fields:
*Substantive Issues
Each chapter gives a contemporary account of developments in the field, and looks to the future and the directions that new activity and enquiry is likely to take. All the chapters are written from an international perspective.
The world of education is constantly in a state of transformation. The speed of change presents a formidable challenge to anyone looking across the field as a whole or any part of it. In one sense this has always been the case. Educationalists at the end of the last century would have looked with some awe at the expanding educational systems of the developed world and the daunting problems faced in extending educational opportunity to the rapidly growing global population. The early years of the twenty first century face similar challenges. Educational systems continue to expand and parts of the world's population still yearn for the benefits that formal schooling can bring. The twentieth century represents a period when mass primary and secondary school systems were being established. The twenty first century is likely to be dominated by the proliferation of new structures and organisations serving all years and presenting formal and informal opportunities forteaching and learning in forms that would have been undreamt of a century ago.
"The Routledge International Companion to Education aims to address the key issues underpinning the rethinking and restructuring of education at the beginning of the new millennium.

Note Editore

The Routledge International Companion to Education addresses the key issues underpinning the rethinking and restructuring of education at the beginning of the new millennium. The volume contains over fifty major contributions exploring a wide range of issues, including:* philosophy of education* the economics and resourcing of education* testing and assessment: current issues and future prospects* standards* multiculturalism* anti-racism* computers in classrooms* mother tongue education* civics and moral education.Each chapter gives a contemporary account of developments in the field, and looks to the future and the directions that new activity and inquiry are likely to take. All the chapters are written from an international perspective.




1. Philosophy of education Nicholas C. Burbules

2. Exploring theory and practice in moral education David Carr

3. Theories of cognitive development and learning and their implications for curriculum development and teaching Sidney Strauss

4. Cognition and teaching Richard White

5. Learning Charles Desforges

6. Teaching: has classroom teaching served its day? Donald McIntyre

7. How is language used as a medium for classroom education? Neil Mercer

8. The economics and resourcing of education Mun C. Tsang

9. Are we post-modern yet? Historical and theoretical explorations in comparative education Esther E. Gottlieb


10. The conduct and appraisal of educational research Robert Floden

11. Educational policy-making and analysis: diverse viewpoints Rosemary Deem and Kevin Brehony

12. Curriculum: the case for a focus on learning Robert McCormick and Patricia Murphy

13. Understanding European didactics Bjørg Gundem

14. From testing to assessment: current issues and future prospects Harry Torrance

15. Administration and management in education: theory and practice Tony Bush

16. Fundamental shifts in schooling: implications for principal leadership Charles Hausman and Joseph Murphy

17. School governance: education excellence as a shared aspiration Jon Nixon

18. School effectiveness and improvement: past, present and future David Reynolds

19. Community education through the twentieth century Colin Fletcher


20. Standards: what are they, what do they do, and where do they live? Dylan Wiliam

21. Learning support for pupils in mainstream schools: policy context and practical implications Sheila Riddell

22. Home learning and school learning in the 21st century Alastair Macbeth

23. Peace education: a review and projection Betty A. Reardon

24. Feminism and education Madeleine Grumet and Kate McCoy

25. Dappled and irrepressible: the kaleidoscope of multiculturalism in education Devorah Kalekin-Fishman

26. Multiculturalism: one view from the United States Susan Melnick

27. Anti-racism: from policy to praxis David Gillborn

28. Environmental education: a time for re-visioning Christopher Oulton and William Scott

29. Environmental education in changing times Ian Robottom

30. The new environment of media education Oliver Boyd-Barrett

31. Health education and the health-promoting school: addressing the drugs issue Keith Tones and Jackie Green

32. Computers in classrooms: learners and teachers in new roles Anna Chronaki


33. Early childhood education throughout the world Patricia P. Olmsted

34. Primary education Jill Bourne

35. Secondary school: a tense stasis in function and form (USA) Anna Ershler Richert, Kristin Donaldson Geiser and David M. Donahue

36. New perspectives on the evolution of secondary school education in the UK Roy Lowe

37. Learning along the way: the evolution of adult and continuing education Steven Weiland

38. Adult education: social movements or public service? Tom Steele

39. Understanding education and work: themes and issues Murray Saunders

40. Higher education in a context of change Tony Becher

41. Technology in higher education: altering the goalposts Robin Mason

42. Teacher education: from initial preparation to continuing professional development Sharon Feiman-Nemser and Patricia J. Norman

43. The open learning environment: a new paradigm for international developments in teacher education Bob Moon




Bob Moon is Professor of Education at the School of Education at the Open University in Milton Keynes. He is also the Director of the Centre of Research and Development in Teacher Education.

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Condizione: Nuovo
Dimensioni: 9.75 x 6.75 in Ø 3.70 lb
Formato: Copertina rigida
Illustration Notes:24 tables
Pagine Arabe: 1024

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