Michael L. Silk is a Professor of Sport and Social Sciences and Founder and Director of the Sport and Physical Activity Research Centre (SPARC) at Bournemouth University, UK. His research is interdisciplinary and focuses on the relationships between sport, physical activity, the governance of bodies, mediated spectacles, identities and urban spaces. He has published over 100 research articles and has written numerous books including The Cultural Politics of Post-9/11 American Sport, Qualitative Research in Physical Culture, Sports Coaching Research, Sport and Neoliberalism, Sport and Corporate Nationalisms and Qualitative Research for Sports Studies. David L. Andrews is a Professor of Physical Cultural Studies at the University of Maryland, USA. His research examines physical culture as a complex empirical assemblage (including, but not restricted to, sport, fitness, exercise, recreation, leisure, wellness, dance and health-related movement practices). His publications include Sport–Commerce–Culture, The Blackwell Companion to Sport and Sport and Neoliberalism. He serves as the associate editor of the Journal of Sport and Social Issues, and on the editorial boards of the Sociology of Sport Journal, the International Review for the Sociology of Sport, Communicationand Sport and Leisure Studies. Holly Thorpe is an Associate Professor in the School of Human Development and Movement Studies at the University of Waikato, New Zealand. Her research interests include action sports, youth culture, women's health and critical sport for development studies. Running throughout these topics is a focus on the moving body, social theory and feminist theory. She has published over 60 journal articles and is the author of Transnational Mobilities in Action Sport Cultures and Snowboarding Bodies in Theory and Practice. She has also co-edited the Berkshire Encyclopedia of Extreme Sports, the Greenwood Guides to Extreme Sport series and Women in Action Sport Cultures.