Introduction An Overview of East Asian Democratization, Tun-jen Cheng and Yun-han Chu Section1 Regional Trends and Country Stories 1. Democratization in East Asia in Comparative Perspective: Viewing through the eyes of the citizens, Yutzung Chang and Yun-han Chu 2. Japan, Mary Alice Haddad 3. South Korea, Jung Kim 4. Taiwan, Yun-han Chu and Yu-tzung Chang 5. Mongolia Damba Ganbat 6. Hong Kong Ngok Ma 7. China: Dynamics of Developmental Authoritarianism, Dali Yang 8. The Future of Post-Socialist Authoritarian Regimes: China, Vietnam and North Korea, Taehwan Kim and Chung-in Moon Section 2 Institution, Election and Political Parties 9. Electoral System and Parameters of Partisan Competition, Jih-wen Lin 10. The Development of Party Systems, Olli Hellman 11. Politics of Polarization, Nae-Young Lee and Sung Min Han 12. Parliamentarianism and Semi-presidentialism in East Asia, Yu-shan Wu and Yu-chung Shen 13. Constitutionalism and Judicial Review in East Asia, Juin-rong Yeh Section 3 Democratic Citizenship 14. Political Participation, Zheng-xu Wang and Leihua Ye 15. Class, Civil Society and Social Movement, Yoonkyung Lee 16. The Political Empowerment of the Female, Chang-lin Huang 17. Cognitive Involvement and Democratic Understanding Min-hua Huang 18. The Rise of New Media, Gary Rawnsley and Yiben Ma 19. The Asian Values Debate, Doh Chull Shin Section 4 Democratic Governance 20. Quality of Democracy, Chong-min Park 21. Corruption and Institutional Trust, Eric Chang and Shih-hao Huang 22. Rule of Law, Tom Ginsburg 23. Human Rights, Sanae Fujita 24. Electoral Integrity, Pippa Norris Section 5 Political Economy of Democratization 25. Business-Government Relation, Gregory Noble 26. Welfare State, Joseph Wong 27. Economic Development: Wither the Developmental State? Sung-Young Kim 28. The Impact of Globalization, Chin-en Wu 29. Economic Exclusion and Inequality, Inyoung Cho and Hyeok Yong Kwon 30. The International Factors: Transnational Actors, Regionalism and Strategic Competition of Great Powers, Wei Shan and Yong-nian Zheng.