1. Accelerated test design and analysis Development of process for adaptive lifetime estimation of mechanical assemblies using accelerated testing methods J.-P. Hietala, P. Ojala, P. Multanen, J. Miettinen & P. Saarenrinne Optimal design for accelerated degradation tests with stochastic model uncertainty L. Liu, X.-Y. Li, T.-M. Jiang & Jian-Guo Zhang Optimization of the dental implant testing based on FEM simulation of fatigue and accelerated life A. Müller, M. Hinz & S. Bracke Multivariable accelerated testing of seep through of humidity due to vibration in electric connector P. Ojala, J. Pippola, J.-P. Hietala, J. Miettinen, L. Frisk, P. Julkunen & E.-L. Varpe Methodology of the accelerated life test of a temperature sensor Z. Vintr & D. Vališ The method of analyzing accelerated degradation data based on acceleration factor constant principle Hao-WeiWang, K.N. Teng & B.L. Gai Combining nonparametric predictive inference and power-Weibull model for accelerated life testing Y. Yin, F.P.A. Coolen &T. Coolen-Maturi Research on accelerated degradation test for GaAs solar cells in LEO environment Yuanxin Zhang, X. Ma, HanWang & H. Jiang 2. Accident and incident investigation and modelling 2.1 Aeronautics, aerospace and defence Different accident levels between offshore and onshore helicopter operations—a comparison of socio-technical systems R.J. Bye, S.O. Johnsen & G. Lillehammer 2.2 Chemical process industry CFD dispersion simulations of liquid argon releases in a deep underground large scale cryogenic installation E.C. Marcoulaki, A.G. Venetsanos & I.A. Papazoglou Investigation of crane operation safety by analysing main accident causes M.F. Milazzo, G. Ancione, V. Spasojevic Brkic & D. Vališ Accounting for wind direction and speed fluctuations on the prediction of flammable cloud dispersion A.M. Schleder & M.R. Martins Risk based workload and staffing level analysis L. Kotek, Z. Tuma, P. Blecha & L. Mukhametzianova 2.3 Critical infrastructure Cascading effects during incidents: CascEff A. Lönnermark & D. Lange 2.4 Maritime transportation Marine navigation accidents and influencing conditions: An exploratory statistical analysis using AIS data and accident databases A. Gilberg, E. Kleiven & R.J. Bye The use of ‘big data’ in constructing loss-based performance indicators in the maritime industry T. Kongsvik, R.J. Bye, P.G. Almklov & E. Kleiven A discussion of risk influencing factors for maritime accidents based on investigation reports M. Nilsen, P.G. Almklov, S. Haugen & R.J. Bye TRACEr-MAR—applying TRACEr in a maritime context J.-U. Schröder-Hinrichs, A. Graziano, G. Praetorius &A. Kataria Some reflections on pre- and post-accident analysis for water transport: A case study of the Eastern Star accident Y.Wang, E. Zio, S. Fu, D. Zhang & X.P. Yan 2.5 Nuclear industry Use of level 2 PSA to support NPP operators training on severe accident P. Groudev, P. Petrova, E. Kichev & K. Mancheva Accident progression and radiological analyses of the interfacing system loss of coolant accident for a typical pressurized water reactor S.Y. Park & K.I. Ahn Accident measures feasibility study based on context evaluation of human performance in design extension conditions G. Petkov & I. Petkov 2.6 Oil and gas industry Improving accident investigation by evaluating the pre-accident risk assessment and management from a fundamental risk perspective K. Bjørnsen &T. Aven Accident risk assessment of refineries depending on configuration and geographic location P. Burgherr, M. Spada, A. Kalinina, P. Eckle &Y. Pannatier Analysis of dynamic positioning system accidents and incidents with emphasis on root causes and barrier failures Y. Dong, B. Rokseth, J.E. Vinnem & I.B. Utne Explaining the explosion onboard FPSO Cidade de São Mateus from regulatory point of view C. Morais, A. Garcia, B. Silva, N. Ferreira &T. Pires CFD simulation of a time varying release of LPG in geometrical complex environment M. Pontiggia, M. Gerbec, J. Sužnik, M. Sbaouni & R. Lelong Assessing the consequences of accidental releases from sour oil and gas facilities C.G. Robinson &A.R. Halford Perspective and criticalities of CFD modelling for the analysis of oil and gas offshore accident scenarios A.C. Uggenti, A. Carpignano, L. Savoldi, R. Zanino & F. Ganci 2.7 Road transportation Variables influencing the severity of motorcycle and moped traffic accidents in Spain S. García-Herrero, M.A. Mariscal, R. Beltrán & J.M. Guitérrez Preliminary analysis of accident data of one of the BRT lines in Mexico City V. Ávalos-Bravo, D. Padilla-Pérez & J.R. Santos-Reyes 2.8 Other industries Analyses of social accidents and culture: A discussion of the geopolitical migration S. Ávila Filho, M.N.E. Fonseca & E.S. Bittencourt Assessment of an accident using FMEA to a tailings dam, a mining event in Brazil M.N.E. Fonseca & S. Ávila Filho Learning from accidents: Investigating the genesis of human errors in multi-attribute settings to improve the organisation of design R. Moura, M. Beer, E. Patelli, J. Lewis & F. Knoll 3. Analysis of natural hazards 3.1 Civil engineering/built environment Earthquake preparation and risk perception: The case of high school students in Mexico City T. Gouzeva, G. Santos-Reyes & J.R. Santos-Reyes Quantification of evolving regional vulnerability to hurricanes A. Reilly, S. Guikema, J. Garzon Hervas & C. Ferreira Seismic risk analysis of the Italian built environment at territorial scale A. Rasulo, M.A. Fortuna, G. Modoni & B. Borzi 3.2 Other industries Propagating spatial and thematic uncertainties in mountain natural hazard assessment process G. Dupouy, J.M. Tacnet, F. Bourrier, F. Berger, N. Crimier, K. Mekhnacha, M. Memier & E. Moulet-Vargas How risk perception of natural hazards influences the content of risk and vulnerability analyses and the implementation of risk reduction measures M. Leonhardsen, K.H. Olsen & O.E. Olsen Modeling information quality and traceability in risk management and decision processes: Application to mountain natural hazards L. Vidaud-Barral, J.M. Tacnet & F. Pinet 4. Bayesian models and statistical methods Generalized method of moments for an extended gamma process Z. Al Masry, S. Mercier & G. Verdier Bayesian model calibration using subset simulation Z.T. Gong, F.A. DiazDelaO & M. Beer Small data and conflicting information U. Sahlin Sensitivity analysis for Bayesian networks with interval probabilities S. Tolo, E. Patelli & M. Beer New methods for the availability prediction with confidence level P. Zeiler, F. Müller & B. Bertsche 4.1 Aeronautics, aerospace and defence Application of Bayesian network in safety analysis on civil aircraft systems HongliWang, D.M. Zhong &T.D. Zhao An attempt to determine the lifetime distribution of a device for random function forms of expected value and variance of the Gaussian distribution M. Zieja, M. Jasztal, S. Ste?pie´n & M.Wa?zny 4.2 Civil engineering/built environment Approaches to Bayesian network structure elicitation K. Zwirglmaier & D. Straub 4.3 Information technology and telecommunication A Bayesian network for diagnosis of networked mobile robots I. Sassi, A. Gouin & J.M. Thiriet 4.4 Manufacturing and supply chain/logistic systems Risk analysis of supply: Comparative performance and short-term prediction L.Walls, J. Quigley, M. Parsa & E. Comrie 4.5 Maritime transportation Quantifying error in deterministic predictions based on phase-resolved linear wave models F. Fucile, G. Bulian & C. Lugni Regression models for the effect of environmental conditions on the efficiency of ship machinery systems E. Vanem, A. Brandsæter & O. Gramstad 4.6 Mechanical systems and engineering Methodological framework for estimation of failure rates for various high-voltage battery systems T. Lehmann, O. Özgen & J. Keller Reliability