Including the latest reviews of the most current issues related to food and nutrition toxicity, Reviews in Food and Nutrition Toxicity, Volume 3 distills a wide range of research on food safety and food technology. Put together by a strong team with a wealth of broad experience, the continuation of this important new series includes contributions from the fields of medicine, public health, and environmental science. Topics covered in Volume Three include:MEG-related toxic, pathological, and etiological findings in the liver, stomach, blood, testes/uterus, kidneys, peritoneum, and skinCurrent information on pharmacokinetic and toxicodynamic aspects of methyl mercury toxicityThe limits set by various agencies for, and the possible effects of, exposure to Uranium via ingestion and inhalationEvidence that nutrition can modify PCB toxicity and its implications in numerous age-related diseases The most recent findings on oxysterols' toxic and pro-atherosclerotic effects and the use of antioxidants supplements to prevent their generation in foodsExamples of published safety data, drug interactions, and problems with formulated productsPotential dangers and benefits of genetically modified foods, moral and ethical issues, and benefit risk ratiosEmerging issues in food contamination, recently-discovered contaminants, the increased use of genetically engineered crops, and their effects on childrenNew views on the onset of celiac disease, its symptoms outside the gastrointestinal tract, and its diagnosis and management A timely compilation, the book sheds light on the most important issues in food safety today. It is a valuable resource for anyone involved in the food industry or academics researching food science and food technology.