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PART 1: METHODOLOGICAL AND CONCEPTUAL ISSUES: Responsible Innovation: A new look at technology and ethics (Jeroen van den Hoven); Technology Assessment for Responsible Innovation ;Armin Grunwald.- The quest for the “right” impacts of science and technology. An outlook towards a framework for responsible research and innovation; René von Schomberg.- PART 2: GOVERNANCE AND INSTITUTIONAL DESIGN.- Innovation and Responsibility: A managerial approach to the integration of responsibility in a disruptive innovation model; Xavier Pavie & Julie Egal.- Technology Transfer of Publicly Funded Re-search Results from Academia to Industry: Societal Responsibilities?; Elisabeth Eppinger & Peter Tinnemann.- The Assumption of Scientific Responsibility by Ethical Codes – the Legal Angle; Hans Christian Wilms.- How (not) to reform biomedical research. A review of some policy proposals; Jan De Winter.- PART 3: VALUES IN A GLOBALIZING WORLD.- Responsible Design and Product Innovation from a Capability Perspective; Annemarie Mink, Vikram S. Parmar, Prabhu V. Kandachar.- Conceptualizing responsible innovation in craft villages in Vietnam; Jaap Voeten, Nigel Roome, Nguyen Thi Huong, Gerard de Groot and Job de Haan.- Values in development: The significance that cultural transitions have for development; Otto Kroesen & Wim Ravensteijn.- Sustainable Innovation, Learning and Responsibility; Udo Pesch.- The family of the future: How technologies can lead to moral change; Katinka Waelbers and Tsjalling Swierstra.- PART 4: ETHICAL AND SOCIETAL ASPECTS OF CONCRETE TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENTS.- Healthcare and medical sector.- Quandaries of responsible innovation: The case of Alzheimer’s Disease; Yvonne Cuijpers, Harro van Lente, Marianne Boenink, Ellen Moors.- Towards socially responsible neuroimaging applications in health care: Guiding visions of scientists and technology developers; Marlous E. Arentshorst, Jacqueline E.W. Broerse, Anneloes Roelofsen, Tjard de Cock Buning.- Optimization of complex palliative care at home via teleconsultation; Jeroen Hasselaar, Jelle Van Gurp, Martine Van Selm, Henk J. Schers, Evert van Leeuwen, Kris Vissers.- Privacy aspects of video recording in the operating room (Claire B. Blaauw, John J. van den Dobbelsteen, Frank Willem Jansen, Joep H. Hubben.- Assessing the future impact of medical devices: Between technology and application; Neelke Doorn.- Information society: security & military technology.- Video-surveillance and the production of space in urban nightlife districts; Irina van Aalst, Tim Schwanen & Ilse van Liempt.- Responsibly Innovating Data Mining and Profiling Tools (Bart Custers, Bart Schermer.- Military Robotics & Relationality: Criteria for Ethical Decision-Making; Lambèr Royakkers and Anya Topolski.- On Technology against Cyberbullying; Janneke M. van der Zwaan, Virginia Dignum, Catholijn M. Jonker, and Simone van der Hof.
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