Session I: Evolutionary Relationships: from Reptiles to Birds and Mammals Chairman: K. Johansen.- General Morphological Principles of Amniotic Lungs.- Ventilation Mechanisms: Problems in Evaluating the Transition to Birds.- Lung Surfactant and Lung Lining in Birds.- Intrapulmonary Carbon Dioxide-Sensitive Receptors: Amphibians to Mammals.- Circulation: a Comparison of Mammals, Reptiles and Birds.- Mechanisms Controlling the Oxygen Affinity of Bird and Reptile Blood: a Comparison Between the Functional Properties of Chicken and Crocodile Hemoglobin.- Session II: Adjustments to Changes in Oxygen Availability and Requirement: Hypoxia, Diving, Flight Chairman: K. Schmidt-Nielsen.- Effects of Hypoxia on Heart Activity in Diving, Flying, and Land Birds.- Cardiopulmonary Responses to Acute Hypoxia in Domestic Fowl.- Oxygen Transport During Progressive Hypoxia in Bar-Headed Geese (Anser indicus) Acclimated to Sea Level and 5600 m.- Role of Arterial Chemoreceptors in Ventilatory Acclimation to High Altitude in Unanesthetized Peking Ducks.- Ventilation in the Hummingbird Colibri coruscans During Altitude Hovering.- Respiration During Flight in Birds.- The Contribution of Arterial Chemoreceptors and Baroreceptors to Diving Reflexes in Birds.- Adjustment of the Regional Pulmonary Circulation to the Profile of Oxygen Pressure Along the Parabronchus in the Duck.- Session III: Avian Respiratory System: Structure and Function of Lungs Chairman: G.M. Hughes.- The Structure of the Intrapulmonary Vasculature in the Domestic Fowl.- A Model of the Capillary Zone of the Avian Tertiary Bronchus.- Ventilatory 133Xenon Distribution Studies in the Duck Anas platyrhyncha.- Diffusion in Avian Pulmonary Gas Exchange: Role of Diffusion Resistance of the Blood-Gas Barrier and the Air Capillaries.- Airway Resistance.- Origin of Carbon Dioxide in Caudal Air Sacs of Birds.- Session IV: Control of Ventilation: Intrapulmonary CO2 Sensitivity and Respiratory Centers Chairman: P. Dejours.- Effects of Intrapulmonary Chemoreceptors in Perfused and Nonperfused Lungs.- Role of Avian Intrapulmonary Chemoreceptors in the Ventilatory Response to Inhaled CO2: Effects of Acetazolamide in the Duck.- Ventilatory Response During Arterial Homeostasis of $${P_{C{O_2}}}$$ at Low Levels of Inspired Carbon Dioxide.- Effect of Middle Cardiac Nerve Stimulation upon the Respiratory Response to $${Pa_{C{O_2}}}$$ in the Chicken.- Effect of FLCO2 Dynamics on Ti and Ttot in Spontaneously Breathing Birds.- Effect of Stretch on the Respiratory Pattern of a Chicken.- Central Nervous Mechanisms Regulating Thermal Panting.- Control of Panting by Thermosensitive Spinal Neurons in Birds.- Session V: Respiration of the Embryo: Eggshell, Embryonic Membranes, Circulation, Blood Chairman: J. Metcalfe.- The Avian Egg: in vivo Conductances to Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide, and Water Vapor in Late Development.- Pore Size Versus Pore Number in Avian Eggshells.- Interdependence of Gas Conductance, Incubation Length, and Weight of the Avian Egg.- Metabolism of Avian Embryos: Comparative Ontogeny.- The Kiwi: a Case of Compensating Divergences from Allometric Predictions.- Gas Conductance in the Eggshell of the Mound-Building Brush-Turkey.- Acid-Base Balance During Eggshell Formation.- Development of the Avian Respiratory and Circulatory Systems.- Gas Transfer in the Chorioallantois.- Respiratory Function of Embryonic Chicken Hemoglobin.- The Effects of Restricted Gas Exchange on Embryonic Heart Rate.- List of Participants.