Introduction 1. Troubling transitions: learning and the changing life course, John Field, Jim Gallacher and Robert Ingram, University of Stirling, Glasgow Caledonian University, UKThemes, methods and concepts 2. Lost in transition? The rise of ‘identity’ as a political and educational concern, Kathryn Ecclestone, Oxford Brookes University, UK 3. Lifelong Learning As Critical Action: A comparative analysis of policy cultures and possibilities In today’s global change culture, Andre Grace, University of Alberta, Canada 4. Time, individual learning careers, and lifelong learning, Barbara Allan and Dina Lewis, University of Hull, UK 5. Who is the ‘responsible learner’? Viewing learning careers through social narratives and recursive methodology, Sue Webb and Simon Warren, University of Sheffield, UK 6. Older men’s lifelong learning: common threads/sheds, Barry Golding, Universityof Ballarat, Australia7. Learning for Life and Learning from Life: Exploring Opportunities for Biographical Learning through the Lifecourse, Michael Tedder and Gert Biesta, University of Exeter, University of Stirling, UK Changing places of learning 8. US Community colleges and the provision of lifelong learning, W. Norton Grubb, University of California, Berkeley, USA 9. Two conceptual models for facilitating learners’ transitions to new post-school learning contexts, Jill Lawrence, University of Southern Queensland, Australia 10. Positioning themselves: Higher education transitions and ‘dual sector’ institutions, Anne-Marie Bathmaker and Thomas, T., University of Western England, UK 11. Mind the Gap: The student experience of direct entrants to higher education, Joanne Caldwell-Brodie, Nuala Toman and Jim Leahy, Glasgow Caledonian University, UK 12. Improving transfer from vocational to higher education: lessons from abroad, Gavin F. Moodie, Griffith University, Australia 13. Imagined transitions, Muir Houston, Yann Lebeau, Mike Osborne and Ruth Watkins, University of Stirling, Open University, UK 14. Moving Where? Problematising Knowledge Cumulation In Researching Technology Enhanced Learning, Uma Patel, Nicky Solomon and Lawrence Solkin, City University, UK/University of Technology, Sydney, Australia Transitions in and from working life 15. Locating learning in work: integrated development practices in organisations, Clive Chappell, David Boud and Hermine Scheeres, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia 16. "Drifting", "Desperate" or just "Diverse"? Researching young people in jobs without training, Jocey Quinn, Robert Lawy and Kim Diment, London Metropolitan University, University of Exeter, UK 17. Biographical landscapes of learning and professional practice, Margaret Volante, University of Surrey, UK 18. Beyond the contextual: the importance of theoretical knowledge in vocational qualifications & the implications for work, Leesa Weelahan, Griffith University, Australia 19. "Well, if the government won’t do it, we bloody well will!" Third Age Activism. Vancouver, Canada, Garnet Grosjean, Shiela Pither, Art Kube and Sylvia MacLeay, University of British Colombia, Canada Conclusion 20. Researching transitions: trends and future prospects, John Field, Jim Gallacher and Robert Ingram, University of Stirling, Glasgow Caledonian University, UK