Social welfare: The prestige of students visitor café (Descriptive study to students in Bandung, Indonesia) M.N.A. Abdullah & P. Fitriyani Restructurization of peace education in higher education I. Affandi & L. Anggraeni Enabling local tour organizers: Striving for equitability in destination marketing opportunities through digital application A. Agoes & E. Ervina Migration as women resilience: An analysis of Indonesia migrant worker Anggaunitakiranantika & I. Kodir Deradicalization in higher education: How to make it work? L. Anggraeni Social and cultural agency in the practice of anti-intolerance and radicalism education in religion-based high schools D. Astutik Strengthening unity and harmony using local wisdom as a conflict resolution: An ethnographicstudy of Malay community in Pontianak I. Azwar, I. Affandi, B. Maftuh & E. Malihah Social justice and the independent activities of citizens and residents M. Choi The development of contextual-based interactive teaching materials using courselab application in civic education subject in building awareness of the rights and obligations of citizens P. Dianti, S.A. Waluyati & H. Fatihah Education and management of culture on the indigenous community of Tengger tribe O.H. Nurcahyono, Dwi Astutik & Z. Rohmad Characteristical strengthening based on cultural society on Cireundeu traditional villagers Jaenuri, Elly Malihah, F. Aziz & D. Mustika Women in the local political vortex, reviewing oversight balance in regional development Hartati & R.Y. Maulana Who is the most tolerance: Minority or majority? G. Hendrastomo, N.E. Januarti & N. Hidayah From local food wisdom to local food movement in Kampong Cireundeu, Cimahi City, West Java model R. Hidayat, E. Siswono & M.H. Yanuardi The issue of child poverty in Japan and the need for inclusive support examples of children’s restaurants P. Hyunsuk ‘Therapeutic’ interviews and friendship as a methodological framework in social research on Muslim women A. Izharuddin Will local wisdom still exist in globalization? A study of social justice for the community with local wisdom S. Komariah & F.N. Asyahidda Weighing justice for LGBT Y. Kurniawan, I.D.A. Nurhaeni & I.S. Putri The development of audiovisual learning media by using pinnacle studio on Penal law course C. Kurnisar & E. Nurdiansyah The analysis of state ibuism and patriarchal value on empowerment and family welfare program in Surakarta, Indonesia S.I. Liestyasari Bringing social justice into research in education B. Maftuh & V. Adriany Empowering Dayak Segandhu community through welfare improvement E. Malihah, P. Wulandari, Wilodati & Siti Nurbayani Using the conflict resolution model “problem-based learning” in junior high school in an effort to restore Indonesian national identity Y. Nugraha, E. Bunyamin Maftuh, Sapriya & E. Malihah Pedophilic sexual disorders towards children: How should the community be taken care of? S. Nurbayani, E. Malihah, S. Komariah & L. Utami Gender disparity in tourism management: Evidence from Indonesia I.D.A. Nurhaeni & R. Sugiarti The implementation of deglobalization concept to efforts of rubber farmers marginalization in the globalization penetration H.M. Pahrudin Pancasila culture and social justice C.E. Pheeney Women’s entrepreneurial literacy and their business competitiveness A.S. Purba, A. Hufad & N. Sutarni Continuing political education: Learning through smart house elections A. Rafni, S. Suryanef & Hariyanti Realizing social harmony through character education “Tepo Seliro” in primary school-aged children in central Java L.R. Rahmiaji Children in the city park: Rethinking public space accessibility in the Child-Friendly City of Semarang H.S. Rini & Gunawan From rebellion to conformity: Study in punishment and de-ideologization of ex-terrorists in Indonesia R. Robet & R.S. Jahja Neighborhoods drifting apart: Suburban neighborhood stratification and its impact on spatial inequity of access to quality schools in suburban neighborhoods of Buffalo Metropolitan Area, New York I. Saleh Character value internalization method through campus habituation in the Department of Civics Rahmat, Sapriya & S.W. Tanshzil The protection of teachers’s rights in enforcing discipline in students R. Sartika & I. Kurniawaty Towards the development of ethno-education: An ethnoscience-based approach to integrated education management in Indonesia L.J. Slikkerveer Don’t get mad, become a teacher: A phenomenographic study of pre-service teachers at a Buddhist college in central Java, Indonesia S. Smith Implementation of equivalency education program in adulthood: Study in Bandung, Indonesia Sodikin Peer mediation as a conflict resolution model in social studies learning in vocational high schools B.M. Sudarmi, E. Malihah & M. Ruhimat The role of elite in maintaining local wisdom values and traditions in mendem stage houses amid the flow of modernization T. Sulastri, S. Komariah & A. Hufad Sunan Gunung Djati’s cultural Da’wah: Emphasis of the peaceful tradition among the people K. Suryadi, L. Anggraeni & S.W. Tanshzil The innovation of religion-based education policy in Padang City S. Suryanef & A. Rafni The needs of community-based integrated child protection in West Java, Indonesia Susilawati, E. Susilowati, T. Riasih & I. Praptoraharjo From children, adults to parents: Kalijodo public space as the ‘glue’ of intergenerational social interaction in the city of Jakarta E. Sutanto & P. Junadi Empowerment of local establishment communities Dayak Hindu Budha Bumi Segandhu Indramayu trial through development of life skill N. Sutarni, A. Hufad & T. Hikmawan Influence of socio-economic status of families on the academic achievement of students in Sma BPI 1 Bandung M.I. Triawan, A. Hufad & Sardin Hoax and local journalist in Bandung D. Wibawa Construction workers: The invisibly vulnerable laborers in the construction industry L. Widaningsih When elderlies define the word “happy”: A challenge for collective society Yasnita, K. Suryadi, D. Budimansyah & U.S. Winataputra Building critical thinking of conflict to Millennials in the frame of diversity: Is it possible? Y. Hidayah, Sapriya, E. Malihah & B. Maftuh New media and social justice: Framing analysis of news about iPusnas in as social justice implementation M.S. Yuliarti