Residents’ perceptions towards urban park social interaction among Malaysian ethnic groups E.O. Hesham, S. Ismail & R.M. HisyamReduce reuse recycle practice in solid waste management for academic environment D.J. Jibril, I.B. Sipan, M. Sapri, S.A. Shika & S. AbdullahStrategic alliances in new industrialized country: The case of Malaysia A.B.A. Ghani & M. SubhanReducing turnover intentions through procedural justice and organizational citizenship behavior: Study of health sector of Pakistan R. Imran, A.A. Khan & F. SheikhMergers & acquisitions: Vital instrument of corporate strategy current and historical perspective J. Sheikh, U. Noreen, F. Riaz & Q. AbbasEffect of perceived transformational leadership on organization citizenship behavior: Moderating role of emotional intelligence A. Fatima, M.M. Irfan, S. Salah-Ud-Din & S. KhanDevelopment of islamic website evaluation guideline M. Aliyu, M. Mahmud, A.O.M. Tap & I. HusseinTrauma among juvenile victims of armed conflict and tsunami in Aceh F. Hutagalung, Z. Ishak & K. HattaFacebook, online social capital, and the rise of nascent entrepreneurs F.Wahid & N. IndartiBanking and technology in Indonesia: Contribution to Indonesia economy H. Medyawati & M. YunantoCross-cultural communication in multinational companies: Problem and suggestion E. SakapurnamaTowards developing building services standard method of measurement in Malaysia G. Amuda-Yusuf, S.F. Mohamed, Z.M. Yusof & M.S. MisnanConverging paradigms in behavioral and social engineering V.K. Arora & N. AroraReminiscing the traditional Malay shadow theatre: Knowledge retention of the master puppeteers R.A. Rahman, Z.A. Manaf & N.A.V. AbdullahAssessing market opportunity in software industry and identifying strategy for Lintasarta as a subsidiary of indosat (using stakeholder perspective analysis as a complementary of PESTEL) S. Raharjo &A. TitusReview on the community centre design in Malaysia: Problems of object centre discourse and failure to address cultural context in modern community in Malaysia N. Utaberta, N. Spalie & N.S.N.Ab.WahabEvaluating contemporary usage of ornament in architectural identity in Indonesia: An organic architecture perspective N. Utaberta, M.A. Bahar & N.S.N.Ab.WahabChallenges in pursuing PhD: A survey on the experience of Malaysian PhD candidates S.B.M. Sharip & S.S.B. IbrahimEntrepreneurial self-efficacy, ethnicity, gender, and educational background: Evidence from the Kuningan international trade centre, Jakarta, Indonesia A.W. Handaru,W. Parimita &W. SubektiOrganizational climate towards job satisfaction and organizational commitment at workplace E.D. AriyaniIntellectual capital in advanced technology companies in Malaysia R. Abdul-Rahim, H. Jafaridehkordi, N. Abdullah & N. HamzahLock-up provision and performance of IPOs: Effect of information asymmetry R.M. Rashid, R. Abdul-Rahim, O. Yong &A.H.S.M. NorHuman capital and economic growth: Empirical evidence from Malaysia N.A.M. Rusli & Z. HamidWomen’s online strategies in giving advice J.M. Jan &W.C. PungModel for services outsourcing relationships maintenance: Case study in call center in Lithuania J. Sekliuckiene & S. MeiliuteBusiness incubator, one concrete effort to keep, maintain, and increase the role of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) A.B. Setyawan & I. SuyudiRedefining mosque ornamentation in Malaysia, cross comparative analysis on post-modern perspective: A case study of Charles Jencks and Michael Graves N. Utaberta, A.N. Handryant & N.S.N.Ab.WahabThe level of knowledge in a model of school financial management K. Ismail, S.I.S. Muhamad & M.S.M. ArifOnline purchasing behavior of Malaysia’s young consumers M.S.Md. Ariff, N.S. Yan, N. Zakuan, K.A. Rahim & K. IsmailSpace management conceptual framework for higher education institutes S. Abdullah, I. Sipan, H.M. Ali, J.D. Jibril & S.A. ShikaSome creative industry problems in Indonesia and the solution alternatives S. Ratnaningtyas & R.J. KusumahAlert processing method with data reduction and correlation technique A.B. Mohamed, N.B. Idris & B. ShanmugumImpact of corporate governance on corporate performance through intellectual capital S. Saeed, S.Z.A. Rasid & R. BasiruddinDeveloping a value-based service delivery system framework F. Quoquab, S.Z.A. Rasid & R. BasiruddinStriving for customer loyalty: What are the building blocks? F. Quoquab, R. Basiruddin & S.Z.A. RasidThe meaning of panopticism in architecture deterministic S. de Yong, M. Rachmawati & J. PrijotomoCustomers’ revisit intention on Penang Boutique Hotel at George Town UNESCO’s World Heritage Site: A conceptual paper Y.N. GohMore gaining and less gaming? The internet use in Indonesia after one decade F.Wahid, N. Ramdhani &W.WiradhanyImplementation of Public Private Partnership in developing countries: Lessons from Malaysia A.O. Sanni & M. HashimE-learning readiness and its correlates among secondary school teachers in Nablus, Palestine F.A.A. Trayek, T.B.T. Ahmad & M.S. NordinPost occupancy evaluation sustainability assessment framework for commercial office buildings S.A. Shika, M. Sapri, D.J. Jibril, S. Abdullah, U.B.Wakawa, A. Umar & U.A. UmarImprovement production capacity with Lean Manufacturing approach. A case study: Indonesian pharmaceutical industry E.S. Nurrasjid &A. AdhiutamaLocal governments’ expenditures efficiency on human development and poverty A.D. PrasetyoA preliminary analysis on the resilience and subjective well-being of the Malaysian adolescents J.L. Jaafar, J. Ismuni, Y. Fei, Z. Ahmad & M.S.H. HussinTriple Helix model in Indonesian defenses system: A conceptual framework A. Muhammad, S. Hartati & K. BayuConstruction and validation of epistemological beliefs questionnaire for science in the Malaysian context N.A. Aziz, F. Hutagalung, I. Tharbe & R.A. JaladinDemografic factors of Malaysian female employees: A predictor to sexual harassment F. Hutagalung, N. Alias & S. KamaruzamanSix key benefits of screencasts in learning Maths: An Irish cas study T.B.T. Ahmad & F. DohenyThe state of green computing knowledge among students in a Malaysian public university T.B.T. Ahmad, M.S. Nordin &A. BelloThe strength of online social networking for capturing alumni with volunteerism and giving behaviour D. DewantaraPatent analysis in assessing supply chain management innovation C.-K. SuhDistribution and product selection under uncertainty L.N. Safiullin, I.R. Gafurov, N.G. Bagautdinova & N.Z. SafiullinThe stages of the innovation process N.G. Bagautdinova, A.M. Fatkhiev, A.Z. Novenkova &A.M. SafiullinaPsychosocial variables influencing diabetes self-management and quality of life: A pilot study C.C. Yap, C.L. Tam, G.B. Bonn, M. Saravanan &A. KadirveluA study of the relationship among organizational justice, psychological empowerment and organizational citizenship behavior S. Ta¸stan & S.M.M. DavoudiFamily traditions as they are viewed by contemporary Russian teenagers G. BiktagirovaPsychological profile of primary school children learning according to different educational technologies N.N. KalatzkayFinancial fraud: Data mining application and detection N.H.A. Aziz, N.B. Zakaria & I.S. MohamedCreativity and imagination in messy play among preschool children L.C. Yin, A.R. Zakaria, F. Hutagalung & U.K.M. SallehKnowledge intensive services on case of bankruptcy trustees in Czech Republic M. Randáková & J. BokšováMotivations of visitors to visit museums: A comparison study of museum visitors in the West and in Thailand K.T.N. ChenThe integration of work design approach: A literature review N.A. Nordin, S.A. Rahman &A. RajabPension accounting disclosures and CMAR N.A. Lode & M.A.M. YusofFinancial distress prediction: An outlook of the Z-score and Hazard model N. Abdullah, N.B. Zakaria & N.H.A. AzizThe mediating roles of academi