Achraf GHORBAL is the Vice-Director of the Higher Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology of Gabes – University of Gabes – Tunisia. Dr. Achraf GHORBAL obtained his M.Sc. in Processes and Materials Engineering (2003) and Ph.D. in Chemistry of Materials (2006) from the University of Haute Alsace – Mulhouse – France. Then, he joined in 2007 the French Atomic Energy Commission (Commissariat à l'énergie atomique) in Saclay – France, as a post-doctoral fellow. In 2008, he was hired as Assistant Professor and then promoted to Associate Professor in Materials Sciences in 2015 at the University of Gabes - Tunisia. His research focuses on wastewater treatment, biopolymers, eco-materials and bio-composites for environmental applications. Dr. Achraf GHORBAL authored and co-authored over 40 scientific papers (peer-reviewed papers, books, book chapters, and patents), coordinated as a principal investigator research and educational projects financed by national or international funds (e.g. Erasmus+ CBHE promoted by the European Commission Agency; Indo-Tunisian joint project), and serves as peer reviewer for several high-impact journals (e.g. Waste Management; Environmental Science and Pollution Research). His work has been internationally recognized by several prestigious distinctions such as the Springer Best Reviewer Award (2017, Euro-Mediterranean Conference for Environmental Integration). Since 2019, Dr. Achraf GHORBAL is a Managing and Developmental Editor of the Euro-Mediterranean Journal for Environmental Integration – a Springer Nature journal.
Dr. Sudip Chakraborty, a Doctorate in Chemical Engineering from Italy. Currently working at Laboratory of Transport Phenomena and Biotechnology, University of Calabria, Italy. He has successfully passed Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale-full professor in sector – ING-IND 24 and also adjunct professor at Mindanao State University, The Phillipines. Dr. Chakraborty delivered several Keynote/Invited lectures and presentations in many international conferences all over the world. His major field of interest are membrane separation, plasmonic nanoparticle, composite materials, energy and process intensification.
Dr. Chakraborty with h-index-23, published more than 95 research publications in international SCI indexed journals/book chapter as well as more than 75 conferences. He has edited books and book chapters apart from several special issues in SCI indexed journals. Dr. Chakraborty also chaired technical sessions in many International Conference. He is a member of different professional bodies like European Membrane Society, Finnish Catalysis Society, and American Oil Chemists Society are some of them. He was also a visiting researcher at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Boston, USA and Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut. Dr. Chakraborty is an Associate editor of Groundwater for Sustainable Development (Elsevier Publication) as well as Chief Editor and Journal Development Editor of Euro Mediterranean Journal of Environmental Integration (Springer-Nature). Apart from that he also edited Special Issues from Springer, Elsevier and MDPI journals.
H. I. Chaminé is a skilled Geologist and Professor of Engineering Geosciences at School of Engineering (ISEP) of the Polytechnic of Porto, with over 29 years’ experience in multidisciplinary geosciences research, consultancy and practice. He studied geological engineering and geology (BSc, 1990) at the Universities of Aveiro and Porto (Portugal), respectively. He received his PhD in geology at the University of Porto in 2000 and spent his postdoctoral research in applied geosciences at the University of Aveiro (2001-2003). In 2011 he received his Habilitation (DSc) in geosciences from Aveiro University. Presently, he is Head of the Laboratory of Cartography and Applied Geology (LABCARGA|ISEP), Senior Researcher at Centre GeoBioTec|U.Aveiro and Centre IDL|U.Lisbon, as well as belongs to the executive board of the MSc+BSc Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering (OE+EUR-ACE Label) and the Department of Geotechnical Engineering (ISEP). Currently, he belongs to the board of the Portuguese Geotechnical Society (SPG) and International Association of Hydrogeologists – Portuguese Chapter. He was a board member of the APGeom – Portuguese Association of Geomorphologists (2009–2013). Before joining academy, he worked over a decade in international projects for geoenvironment, mining, geotechnics and groundwater industry and/or academia. He was consultant and or responsible over 70 projects of rock engineering, applied geology, hydrogeomechanics, slope geotechnics, mining geology, exploration hydrogeology, hard-rock hydrogeology, water resources, urban groundwater and applied mapping (Mozambique, Portugal, and Spain). He has been co-authored over 200 publications in indexed journals, conferen