Industrial wastewaters: the major sources of dyes contamination in environment, ecotoxicological effects and bioremediation approachesRoop Kishor, Ram Naresh Bharagava, Gaurav Saxena Groundwater pollution by emerging industrial pollutants and its remediation techniquesPankaj Kumar Gupta, Shashi Ranjan, Deepak Kumar Textile industry wastewater: Environmental and health hazards and treatment approaches Sujata, Ram Naresh Bharagava Environmental pollution from acid mine drainage and its management approachesDr. Bably PrasadNanotechnology: An emerging technology for bioremediation of environmental pollutantsFauzi Abdillah, Fitriana, Daniel Pramudita, Antonius Indarto Application of nano-materials in sub-surface remediation techniques: challenges and future prospectsShashi Ranjan, Pankaj Kumar Gupta Microalgae: An eco-friendly tools for the treatment of industrial wastewaters and biofuel productionAmit Kumar Singh, Abhay K. PandeyPhycoremediation of distillery wastewater: nutrients uptake by microalgaeSankaran Krishnamoorthy, Manickam Premalatha Fungal cell immobilization for treatment of industrial wastewaters: Application and perspectivesDeepika Rajwar, JPN Rai Mycoremediation: the role of fungi in bioremediation of environmental pollutantsAmjad Ali, Fazli Wahid, Guo Di, Zengqiang Zhang Consequences of heavy metals pollution in environment and bioremediation practices Abhishek Kumar, Bechan SharmaChromium contamination in environment, health hazards and bioremediation approachesSandhya Mishra, Ram Naresh Bharagava Plant-microbe symbiosis: a synergistic approach for heavy metals bioremediationSanjeev Kumar, Mahesh Kumar, Ritu Singh, Dhananjay Kumar, Ravindra Prasad,Ankit, Anita Rani, Narendra Kumar Constructed Wetlands: An emerging phytotechnology for the treatment of industrial wastewaters Aysenur Ugurlu, Ece Kendir, Emine Cagla Cilingir Petroleum hydrocarbons: Environmental contamination, toxicity and bioremediation approachesNilanjana Das, Sanjeeb Kumar Mandal, Selvi A Bioremediation of chlorinated and aromatic petrochemical pollutants in multi-phase media and oily sludgeEvans M. N. Chirwa, Stanford S. Makgato, Phumza V. Tikilili, Tshilidzi B. Lutsinge Microbes: an ecofriendly tools for bioremediation of pesticides contaminated environmentArun S. Kharat, Satish G Parte, Nandkishor S More Biodegradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons using fungi: A new prospect toward CYP engineryUlises Conejo, Dario R. Olicón-Hernández, Haley Paula Stein, Jesús González-López, Elisabet Aranda Environmental pollution and threats from improper solid waste managementDigambar Chavan, Hiya Dhar, Sunil Kumar Biomedical wastes: Environmental risks, health hazards and management approachesPushp Lata Sankhwar, Vineet Kumar Maurya, Devyani Mishra, S N Sankhwar, Nandkishor S More Applications of metagenomics approaches in bioremediation of environmental pollutantsNiti B Jadeja, Shailendra Yadav, Atya Kapley Application of hairy root culture technology in phytoremediation for environment clean up: Past, Present and Future OutlookReetika Singh, Bechan Sharma