Introduction, by Elizabeth Sauer and Julia M. Wright Part 1: Writing the Nation, c. 1550-1850 1. From The Complaynt of Scotland (1549?) 2. From John Foxe, Actes and Monuments (1563) 3. From Edmund Spenser, A View of the State of Ireland (1596) 4. From Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation (1599); Hakluyt, The Third and Last Volume (1600) 5. From The King James Bible (1611) 6. John Lilburne, William Walwyn, Thomas Prince, Richard Overton, An Agreement of the Free People of England (1649) 7. Anne Bradstreet, "A Dialogue between Old England and New, concerning their present troubles. Anno 1642" (1650) 8. From John Milton, A Defence of the People of England (1651; 1692) 9. From Daniel Defoe, The Original Power of the Collective Body of the People of England, Examined and Asserted (1702) 10. From Jonathan Swift, A Letter to the Whole People of Ireland (1724) 11. From David Hume, "Of National Characters" (1748) 12. From Henry Home, Sketches of the History of Man (1774) 13. From Thomas Cary, Abram’s Plains: A Poem (1789) 14. Anna Letitia Barbauld, "To a Great Nation" (1793) 15. From William Drennan, Letter to the Right Honorable William Pitt (1799) 16. "Of a National Character in Literature" (1818) 17. From Lady Sydney Morgan, "Absenteeism.—No. III" (1825) 18. Adam Kidd, "Preface" and "Cathleen" from The Huron Chief, and Other Poems (1830) 19. From Peter Du Ponceau, A Discourse on the Necessity and the Means of Making our National Literature Independent of that of Great Britain (1834) 20. "National Character" (1843) 21. From Giuseppe Mazzini, "Europe: Its Condition and Prospects" (1852) Part 2: Reading the Nation, c. 1550-1850 1. Andrew Hadfield, "Nationhood and the English Renaissance" 2. Elizabeth Sauer, "The Translation of Peculiar Status in Early Modern England" 3. Terence N. Bowers, "Nationhood in the Age of Enlightenment" 4. Julia M. Wright, "Nationalist Discourses in the British Isles, 1780-1850" 5. Deborah Madsen, "From Colony to Republic: Building the American Nation" 6. Andrea Cabajsky, "Occupation, Assimilation, Partnership: Canadian Literature in English and French, 1769-1899" Part 3: Modern Perspectives 7. Andrew Escobedo, "No Early-Modern Nations? Revising Modern Theories of Nationhood" 8. Sarah M. Corse, "Nationalism and Canon-formation" 9. Imre Szeman, "Nationalism and Globalization" Notes on Contributors