Introduction: Provincial Leadership and Economic Reform in Post-Mao China PART I: PROVINCIAL REFORM STRATEGY AND POLICY TOWARD RESOURCE ALLOCATION l. Shanghai' s Big Turnaround since 1985: Leadership, Reform Strategy, and Resource Mobilization 2. The Guangdong Advantage: Provincial Leadership and Strategy Toward Resource Allocation since 1979 3. The Political Economy of Post-Mao Zhejiang: Rapid Growth and Hesitant Reform 4. One Step Behind: Shaanxi in Reform, 1978-1995 PART 11: PROVINCIAL REFORM STRATEGY AND POLICY TOWARD FOREIGN CAPITAL AND INVESTMENT 5. Shandong's Strategies of Reform in Foreign Economic Relations: Preferential Policies, Entrepreneurial Leadership, and External Linkages 6. Provincial Leadership and the Implementation of Foreign Economic Reforms in Fujian Province 7. Hainan in Reform: Political Dependence and Economic Interdependence 8. Provincial Leadership and Its Strategy Toward the Acquisition of Foreign Investment in Sichuan. Conclusion--Provincial Leadership and Reform: Lessons and Implications for Chinese Politics Appendix: Study of Provincial Politics and Development in the Post-Mao Reform Era: lssues, Approaches, and Sources