Fluid-structure interaction Design and structural testing of a physical model for wetdeck slamming analysis D. Dessi, E. Faiella, J. Geiser, E. Alley & J. Dukes A storm-based procedure to generate standardised load-time history for fatigue strength assessment of offshore structures S. Li & C. Guedes Soares A numerical simulation for coupling behavior between smoothed particle hydrodynamics and structural finite element method C. Ma, M. Oka & K. Iijima Vertical wave loads acting on a cruise ship in head, oblique and following regular waves S. Rajendran & C. Guedes Soares Still water vertical bending moment in a flooding damaged ship J.M. Rodrigues & C. Guedes Soares On parameterization of emulsification and heat exchange in the hydraulic modelling of oil spill from a damaged tanker in winter conditions M. Sergejeva, J. Laanearu & K. Tabri Practical verification of loading computer by laser measurements G. Storhaug, O. Fredriksen, D. Greening & I. Robinson Hydroelastic effects on slamming loads and dynamic response of flexible panels S. Wang & C. Guedes Soares Prediction of pressure induced by liquid sloshing for LNG carrier R.-Q. Zhu, H.-X. Ma, Q.-M. Miao & W.-T. Zheng Vibrations Forced vibration analysis of the hull girder by propeller excitation and rudder interaction F.J. Dominguez Ruiz, E.M. Cali Y. & L.A. García J. Experimental characterization of viscoelastic materials for marine applications J. Fragasso, L. Moro, P.N. Mendoza Vassallo, M. Biot & A. Badino On the experimental characterization of resilient mounting elements A. Hecquet, B. de’Vidovich, E. Brocco, M. Biot, F. Licciulli, G. Fabro, C. Pestelli, H. Le Sourne & L. Moro A new van der Pol equation based ice-structure interaction model for ice-induced vibrations X. Ji & E. Oterkus Whirling analysis of shaft line with a new compact flexible coupling T. Pais, D. Boote & G. Repetti Estimation of damping from wave induced vibrations in ships G. Storhaug, K. Laanemets, I. Edin & J.W. Ringsberg Optimization of the gun foundation structure of an offshore patrol vessel using a modern genetic algorithm A. de Vaucorbeil & K.E. Patron Structural analysis Shape and stress sensing of offshore structures by using inverse finite element method A. Kefal & E. Oterkus Effect of pressure distribution on the capacity of ship structure frames M. Korgesaar, P. Kujala, M. Suominen, G.S. Dastydar, J. Romanoff, H. Remes & J. Kämäräinen Reduced finite element models for mast analysis A. Lorenzetti, M. Gaiotti, S. Ghelardi & C.M. Rizzo Modeling microstructure of materials by using peridynamics N. Zhu, D. De Meo, S. Oterkus & E. Oterkus Structural design Influence of different topological variants on optimized structural scantlings of passenger ships J. Andric, P. Prebeg & K. Piric Conceptual ship design framework for designing new commercial ships T. Damyanliev, P. Georgiev & Y. Garbatov FEA based optimization for stiffened plate considering buckling and yield strength J.D. Kim, B.-S. Jang, T.-Y. Park & S.B. Jeon Ship hull structural scantling optimization K. Stone & T. McNatt The design and analysis of a heavy transportation and jacket launch barge L.D. Cherian, T. Mathew, J. Land & J. Evans Ultimate strength Hull girder ultimate strength of container ships in oblique sea I. Darie & J. Rörup Progressive collapse analysis of a container ship under combined longitudinal bending moment and bottom local loads M. Fujikubo & A. Tatsumi Optimal design of stiffened plate subjected to combined stochastic loads Y. Garbatov & P. Georgiev Compressive strength of double-bottom under alternate hold loading condition J.M. Gordo Residual strength estimation and imperfection modelling for plastically deformed stiffeners I. Kahraman & G.T. Tayyar Rapid, early-stage ultimate limit state structural design for multihulls J.T. Knight Accuracy improvement of PCM using simple box girder-based LSE data I. Kvan & J. Choung Geometrically nonlinear bending response of a ship-like box girder using an enhanced single-layer theory M. Metsälä, B.R. Gonçalves, J. Romanoff & J. Jelovica IACS common structural rules as an element of IMO goal based standards for bulk carriers and oil tankers J. Peschmann, H. von Selle, J. Jankowski, G. Horn & T. Arima FE model calibration and validation of a tested plate with an opening under compressive load S. Saad-Eldeen, Y. Garbatov & C. Guedes Soares Ultimate strength of the hull girder of large container ships S. Zhang, R. Villavicencio, N. White & L. Jiang Experimental study on cumulative buckling deformation of stiffened panel subjected to cyclic loading Y. Tanaka, T. Ando, Y. Hashizume, A. Tatsumi & M. Fujikubo Fatigue and fracture Numerical analysis of mixed-mode fracture toughness of glass/vinylester composite laminates F. Alizadeh & C. Guedes Soares Fatigue strength assessment of an annealed butt welded joint accounting for material inhomogeneity Y. Dong, Y. Garbatov & C. Guedes Soares Uncertainty analyses of local strain and fatigue crack initiation life of welded joints under plane strain condition Y. Dong & C. Guedes Soares Reliability based inspection planning using fracture mechanics based formulations for ship structures K.M. Doshi, Y. Parihar & T. Roy Study on fatigue life prediction of details with a surface crack under spectrum loading X.P. Huang Prediction of crack growth of an aged coast guard patrol ship based on various approaches C.S. Kim, C.B. Li, J. Choung & Y.H. Kim Benchmark study on considering welding-induced distortion in structural stress analysis of thin-plate structures I. Lillemäe-Avi, H. Remes, Y. Dong, Y. Garbatov, Y. Quéméner, L. Eggert, Q. Sheng & J. Yue Palmgren–miner’s rule and fracture mechanics based fatigue analysis of deepwater mooring lines X. Xue & N.-Z. Chen Collision and grounding A simplified method to assess the damage of an immersed cylinder subjected to underwater explosion K. Brochard, H. Le Sourne & G. Barras Plate tearing mechanics of high-speed vessels’ aluminium plates during grounding incidents B.C. Cerik & R. Villavicencio Numerical investigation on a side-shell structure subjected to collision impact load B.Q. Chen & C. Guedes Soares Plastic and fracture damages of double hull structures under lateral collisions S.-R. Cho, S.-U. Song, S.-H. Park & H.K. Shin Double-hull breaching energy in ship-tanker collision M. Heinvee & K. Tabri Full thickness material tests for impact analysis verification M. Hoogeland & A.W. Vredeveldt Material relationship identification for finite element analysis at intermediate strain rates using optical measurements J.M. Kubiczek, K.S. Burchard, S. Ehlers & M. Schöttelndreyer Numerical assessment of the resistance of ship double-hull structures in stranding B. Liu, L. Zhu & L. Chen Correlation analysis of IMO collision damage parameters J. Parunov, M. Corak & S. Rudan Probability of failure of composite beams under high velocity impact S.D. Patel & C. Guedes Soares Validation of a simplified method for the crashworthiness of offshore wind turbine jackets using finite elements simulations T. Pire, S. Echeverry, P. Rigo, L. Buldgen & H. Le Sourne Structural response and energy absorption of the simplified ship side under the impact of rigid indenters with different shapes X. Qiu, L. Zhu, M. Yan & B. Liu Experimental investigation of accidental sliding loads on the response of hull plating B.W.T. Quinton, C.G. Daley, D.B. Colbourne & R.E. Gagnon Performance assessment of the crashworthiness of corroded ship hulls J.W. Ringsberg, Z. Li & E. Johnson Impact of sea bottom shapes on grounding damage: Suitability of modelling with Gaussian processes O-V.E. Sormunen A new simplified method to investigate the side-by-side collision of two ships Q. Yuan, Y. Zhang & X.B. Li Experimental and numerical analysis of t