Mohammad S. Obaidat, recognized around the world for his pioneering and lasting contributions to several areas, including wireless sensor networks, green ICT, wireless and wired networks, performance evaluation of computer systems and networks, and information and network security, is a Professor of Computer Science at Monmouth University, New Jersey. He is the editor-in-chief or editor of many international journals, and has published over thirty books and over six hundred technical papers to date. He has received numerous awards, including a Nokia Research Fellowship, Distinguished Fulbright Scholar Award, McLeod Founder's Award, SCS Presidential Award, SCS Hall of Fame- Lifetime Achievement Award, and Best Paper awards in many conferences. He has given numerous keynote speeches at international conferences worldwide and has chaired numerous international conferences. He is a distinguished speaker/lecturer of ACM and SCS and served as a distinguished speaker of IEEE-CS. He also served as the Chair of the Department of Computer Science and Director of the Graduate Program at Monmouth University, SCS President, and Advisor to the President of Philadelphia University. He is a Fellow of IEEE and a Fellow of SCS.
Sudip Misra is an Associate Professor at the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur. He has authored over two hundred scholarly research papers and published eight books. He has received several prestigious awards such as the IEEE ComSoc Asia Pacific Outstanding Young Researcher Award, Canadian Government's prestigious NSERC Postdoctoral Fellowship, the Humboldt Research Fellowship in Germany, the NASI Young Scientist Award, and the IEI Young Engineers Award. Dr Misra serves in the editorial board of several reputed journals. He was also invited to deliver keynote/invited lectures in over thirty international conferences in USA, Canada, Europe, Asia and Africa.