PART 1- VARIOUS LIABILITY REGIMES: INTERNATIONAL, REGIONAL AND NATIONAL Chapter 1- Mr Patrick Griggs CBE, Past President of CMI, UK“Torrey Canyon”, 45 Years on – Have We Solved All the Problems? Chapter 2- Mr Colin de la Rue, Partner, Ince & Co, London, UKLiability for Pollution from Ships Bunkers Chapter 3- Mr Mans Jacobbson, Former Director, International Oil Pollution Compensation Funds, SwedenThe HNS Convention and Its 2010 Protocol Chapter 4- Professor Baris Soyer, Director of the Institute of International Shipping and Trade Law, UK Compensation for Pollution Damage Resulting from Exploration for and Exploitation of Seabed Mineral Resources Chapter 5- Mr Charles B. Anderson, Skuld North America, USAProposals for Legislative Reform Following the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Chapter 6- Simon Rainey QC, Barrister Quadrant Chambers, London, UK“To the Great Damage and Common Nuisance of All Liege Subjects of Our Lady the Queen”: Oil Pollution Claims and Public Nuisance Chapter 7- Mr Luc Grelett, Partner, Reed Smith, Paris, France Avoiding International Legal Regimes- The Erika Experience Chapter 8- Mr Henrik Ringbom, Head of Unit, Marine Environment, Training and Statistics, at the European Maritime Safety Agency, PortugalMaritime Liability and Compensation in EU Law PART 2- POLLUTION LIABILITIES AND THIRD PARTIES Chapter 9- Mr Archie Bishop, Holman Fenwick Willan, London, UKEnvironmental Salvage- Time for A Change? Chapter 10- Mr Luke Readman, Retired Chairman, Thomas Miller Ltd, UKRecent Developments in P&I Cover for Pollution: Terrorism, Piracy and Sanctions Chapter 11- Professor Richard Williams, Member of the Institute of International Shipping and Trade Law, UKThe Liability of Charterers for Marine Pollution Chapter 12- Professor Andrew Tettenborn, Member of the Institute of International Shipping and Trade Law, UKMarine Pollution- Unorthodox Suits and Unorthodox Defendants PART 3- PUBLIC LAW ASPECTS Chapter 13- Mr Simon Baughen, Reader in Law, University of Bristol, UKMaritime Pollution and State Liability Chapter 14- Professor Marc Huybrechts, Emeritus Professor of Law, University of Antwerp and University of Leuven, BelgiumWhatever Happened to European Directive 2005/35/EC? Europe's Ambivalent Approach to the Fight against Marine Pollution and its Consequences for Seafarers Chapter 15- Dr Oya Ozcayir, Maritime Consultant and Member of the Izmir Bar, TurkeyImpact of Port State Control on Pollution at Sea