Part I. Equality 1. Ronald Dworkin, "Equality" 2. Elizabeth Anderson, "Democratic Equality" 3. Kok Chor Tan, "A Defense of Luck Egalitarianism" Part II. Justice 4. G. A. Cohen "Rescuing Justice and Equality" 5. David Miller, "Justice and Boundaries" 6. Amartya Sen, "Capabilities and Resources" Part III. Liberty 7. Philip Pettit, "The Instability of Freedom as Non-Interference" 8. John Christman, "Can Positive Freedom be Saved" 9. Ian Carter, "The Myth of 'Merely Formal Freedom'" Part IV. Democracy 10. Richard Arneson, "Democracy is not Intrinsically Just" 11. Thomas Christiano, "The Authority of Democracy" 12. Joshua Cohen, "Reflections on Deliberative Democracy" Part V. Human Rights 13. Onora O'Neill "The Dark Side of Human Rights" 14. Thomas Pogge, "World Poverty and Human Rights" 15. Martha Nussbaum, "Capabilities and Social Justice"