1. COVID-19 as an ideal case for a rally-around-the-flag? How government communication, media coverage and a polarized public sphere determines leadership approvals in times of crisis. Peter Van Aelst PART 1: Government communications 2.From consensus to dissensus: The UK’s management of a pandemic in a divided nation Ruth Garland and Darren Lilleker 3. Beyond Control and Resistance: The Dual Narrative of the Coronavirus Outbreak in Digital China Yuan Zeng 4. COVID-19 in Chile: A health crisis amidst a political crisis amidst a social crisis Ingrid Bachmann, Sebastián Valenzuela, Arturo Figueroa-Bustos 5. The Italian Prime Minister as a captain in the storm: The pandemic as an opportunity to build personalized political leadership. Gianpietro Mazzoleni, Roberta Bracciale PART 2: Media coverage 6. Interactive Propaganda: How Fox News and Donald Trump co-produced false narratives about the Covid-19 crisis Yunkang Yang, Lance Bennett 7. Stooges of the system or holistic observers? A computational analysis of news media’s Facebook posts on political actors during the coronavirus crisis in Germany Thorsten Quandt, Svenja Boberg, Tim Schatto-Eckrodt, Lena Frischlich 8.More Than "a Little Flu": Alternative Digital Journalism and the Struggle to Re-Frame the Brazilian Government’s Response to the COVID-19 Outbreak Stuart Davis 9. When a Polarized Media System Meets a Pandemic: Framing the Political Discord over COVID-19 Aid Campaigns in Turkey Gizem Melek, Emre Iseri PART 3: Public Opinion 10. Divided we trust? The role of polarization on rally-around-the-flag effects during the COVID-19 crisis Ana S. Cardenal, Laia Castro-Herrero, Christian Schemer, Jesper Strömbäck, Agnieszka Stepinska, Claes de Vreese, Peter Van Aelst 11. The role of political polarization on American and Australian trust and media use during the COVID-19 pandemic Andrea Carson, Shaun Ratcliff, Leah Ruppanner 12. "I don’t vote because I don’t want to get infected": Pandemic, polarization and public trust during the 2020 Presidential Election in Poland. Sabina Mihelj, Damian Guzek, Václav Štetka 13. The Swedish Way: How ideology and media use influenced the formation, maintenance and change of beliefs about the coronavirus Adam Shehata, Isabella Glogger & Kim Andersen