Foreword Robin Moore, North Carolina State University Preface Catharine Ward Thompson, University of Edinburgh IntroductionSimon Bell, Matluba Khanand Jenny Wood Part 1: Place and play Chapter 1: Manufactured play equipment or loose parts? Examining the relationship between play materials and young children’s creative play Reyhaneh Mozaffar, Napier University Chapter 2. No time for play: children’s daily activities during summer holidays in the Beijing central area Pai Tang and Helen Woolley, University of Sheffield Chapter 3: An exploration of how playground design affects the play behaviour of kindergarten children in Tartu, Estonia. Bhavna Mishra, Aalto University, Simon Bell, Estonian University of Life SciencesandHimansu Sekhar Mishra, Estonian University of Life Sciences Chapter 4: Design of sensory gardens for children with disabilities in the context of the United Kingdom Hazreena Hussein, University of Malaya Chapter 5: Can active play encourage physical literacy in children and young people? Patrizio De Rossi, University of Stirling Part 2: Place and pedagogy Chapter 6: Turning the classroom inside out: learning and teaching experiences in an early childhood setting Muntazar Monsur, North Carolina State University Chapter 7: Becoming naturish: ways of coming to know nature in the primary school Cathy Francis, University of Aberdeen Chapter 8: Closing the attainment gap in Scottish education: the case for outdoors as a learning environment in early primary school Jamie McKenzie Hamilton, Heriot-Watt University Chapter 9: School ground interventions for pedagogy and play: How can we evaluate the design? Matluba Khan, University of Cardiff, Simon Bell andSarah McGeown, University of Edinburgh Part 3: Place and participation Chapter 10: Children as heterotopians: town planning with and for children Jenny Wood, Heriot-Watt University Chapter 11: The Chair Project: co-creation through material play Simon Beeson, Arts University Bournemouth Chapter 12: Children's perspectives on green space management in Sweden and Denmark Märit Jansson and Inger Lerstrup, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Chapter 13: A view from China: reflecting on the participation of children and young people in urban planning Yupeng Ren, Yantai University ConclusionsMatluba Khan, Simon Belland Jenny Wood