Ian Kemp has over 30 years of experience in pinch analysis and process energy reduction, including consultancy, R&D, and technical writing. He was a principal technologist at AEA Technology, Harwell, and a scientific leader at GSK. He received the IChemE Junior Moulton Medal in 1989 for his paper on Batch Process Integration and the IChemE Brennan Medal in 2007 for the second edition of this book. His specialties include solids processing, particularly of pharmaceuticals, and drying processes, including spray drying, fluid bed drying and granulation, and dryer selection and troubleshooting, as well as energy reduction, sustainability, and pinch analysis.
Dr. Jeng Shiun Lim is a researcher in Process Systems Engineering Center (PROSPECT) and Research Institute of Sustainable Environment (RISE). His specialties include energy management and energy planning for greenhouse gas emissions reduction and resource conservation and planning via systematic techniques (pinch analysis, mathematical modelling, and optimization). He has published 45 ISI and 37 Scopus indexed articles to date. He has been extensively involved in research projects and industrial-based projects to assist those companies identifying energy saving opportunities worth millions of dollars through the use of process integration and process systems engineering approach.