Contents: Introduction: Outside the Lab: Paranormal Beliefs and Experiences: A community mail survey of psychic experiences, John Palmer ; Psychology and coincidences, Caroline A. Watt; Fantastic memories: the relevance of research in to eyewitness testimony and false memories for reports on anomalous experiences, Christopher C. French; Birthmarks and birth defects corresponding to wounds on deceased persons, Ian Stevenson; Near-death experiences in survivors of cardiac arrest: a prospective study in the Netherlands, Pim van Lommel, Ruud van Wees, Vincent Meyers and Ingrid Elfferich; An investigation into alleged 'hauntings', Richard Wiseman, Caroline Watt, Paul Stevens, Emma Greening and Ciarán O'Keeffe; The 'Brother Doli' case: investigations of apparent poltergeist-type manifestations in North Wales, Michael Daniels. Testing Psychic Claimants: A brief overview of magic for parapsychologists, George P. Hansen; What is your counter-explanation? A plea to skeptics to think again, John Beloff ; The appearance and disappearance of objects in the presence of Sri Sathya Sai Baba, Erlendur Haraldsson and Karlis Osis; The psychic reading, Ray Hyman; An overview of quantitatively evaluated studies with mediums and psychics, Sybo A. Schouten. Extrasensory Perception: Experiments bearing on the precognition hypothesis: I, pre-shuffling card calling, Joseph Banks Rhine; Methodological criticisms of parapsychology, Charles Akers; Psychology and anomalous observations: the question of ESP in dreams, Irvin L. Child; Does psi exist? Replicable evidence for an anomalous process of information transfer, Daryl J. Bem and Charles Honorton; Should ganzfeld research continue to be crucial in the search for a replicable psi effect? Part I, discussion paper and introduction to an electronic mail discussion, Julie Milton. Psychokinesis and Distant Mental Influence: Experimental investigation of table-moving, Michael Faraday; A PK test with electronic equipment, Helmut Schmidt; Evidence for consciousness-related anomalies in random physical systems, Dean I. Radin and Roger D. Nelson; Further studies of autonomic detection of remote staring: replications, new control procedures, and personality correlates, William Braud, Donna Shafer and Sperry Andrews; Experimenter effects and the remote detection of staring, Richard Wiseman and Marilyn Schlitz; The efficacy of 'distant healing': a systematic review of randomized trials, John A. Astin, Elaine Harkness and Edzard Ernst; Give the null hypotheses a chance: reasons to remain doubtful about the existence of psi, James E. Alcock. Experimenters' Personal Perspectives: The elusive open mind: 10 years of negative research in parapsychology, Susan Blackmore ; Boundless mind: coming of age in parapsychology, Marilyn Schlitz; Name Index.