Posters of the 2007 DOA (Distributed Objects and Applications) International Conference.- A Deterministic Database Replication Protocol Where Multicast Writesets Never Get Aborted.- AWSM: Infrastructure for Adaptive Web Service Migration.- Generic Proxies—Supporting Data Integration Inside the Database.- Collaborative Data Synchronization in an Instance-Mapped P2P Data Sharing System.- Posters of the 2007 ODBASE (Ontologies, Databases, and Applications of Semantics) International Conference.- Translating XPath Queries into SPARQL Queries.- Validating a Tool for Evaluating Automatically Lexical Triples Mined from Texts.- Semi-automatic Semantic Enrichment of Raw Sensor Data.- Ontology Modelling for Ambient Intelligent Home Environments.- Implementing OCL as a Database Query Language.- Improving Scalability in Pub-Sub Knowledge-Based Networking by Semantic Clustering.- A Model for Fuzzy Multidimensional Spaces.- Capturing Ontology Evolution Processes by Repeated Sampling of Large Document Collections.- Information Systems Development: A Trust Ontology.- Automatic Annotation in Data Integration Systems.- Posters of the 2007 GADA (Grid Computing, High Performance and Distributed Applications) International Conference.- Volunteer Computing, an Interesting Option for Grid Computing: Extremadura as Case Study.- Replication Heuristics for Efficient Workflow Execution on Grids.- Network-Aware Grid Scheduling.- Implementing a P2P Network Through Updatable Database Views.- A Group Selection Pattern Optimizing Job Scheduling in Decentralized Grid Markets.- A Conceptual Model for Grid Learning Services Automatic Composition.- Posters of the 2007 IS (Information Security) International Conference.- A Multi-party Rational Exchange Protocol.- A Texture Based Image Signature Using Second Order Statistics Characterisation.- Expert System for Business Decisions on Security Requirements.- Workshop on Agents, Web Services and Ontologies Merging (AweSOMe).- AWeSOMe 2007 PC Co-chairs’ Message.- DyMRA: Dynamic Market Deployment for Decentralized Resource Allocation.- An Agents-Based Cooperative Awareness Model to Cover Load Balancing Delivery in Grid Environments.- TV Navigation Agent for Measuring Semantic Similarity Between Programs.- Engineering an MAS Platform for Semantic Service Integration Based on the SWSA.- A Planner Infrastructure for Semantic Web Enabled Agents.- From a Goal-Oriented Methodology to a BDI Agent Language: The Case of Tropos and Alan.- A Human-Like SOA-Based Interdisciplinary Framework for Intelligent Virtual Agents.- Semantically Resolving Type Mismatches in Scientific Workflows.- A Group Selection Pattern for Agent-Based Virtual Organizations Coordination in Grids.- Web Services System for Distributed Technology Upgrade Within an e-Maintenance Framework.- WSBL: Web Service Architecture for Financial Products.- Workflow Management in Grid Era: From Process-Driven Paradigm to a Goal-Driven One.- BPEL for Semantic Web Services (BPEL4SWS).- Workshop on Context Aware Mobile Systems (CAMS).- CAMS 2007 PC Co-chairs’ Message.- Context-Awareness in the Wild: An Investigation into the Existing Uses of Context in Everyday Life.- ’Guess A Who, Why, Where, When?’: The Visualization of Context Data to Aid the Authoring and Orchestration of a Mobile Pervasive Game.- Browsing Semantics in Context-Aware Mobile Hypermedia.- Context, Data and Queries.- Issues in Location-Based Indexing for Co-operating Mobile Information Systems.- A Peer-to-Peer Based Infrastructure for Context Distribution in Mobile and Ubiquitous Environments.- Doctoral Consortium.- The 2007 Academy Doctoral Consortium PC Co-chairs’ Message.- Elaborating a Decentralized Market Information System.- COPA-CASE: Methodological Environment for the Generation, Application and Validation of Coordination Patterns.- Providing Support for Data Replication Protocols with Multiple Isolation Levels.- Market Driven Product Ontologies.- Smart Distribution of Bio-signal Processing Tasks in M-Health.- Towards a Service-Oriented Methodology: Business-Driven Guidelines for Service Identification.- Collaborative Management of Distributed Business Processes - A Service-Based Approach.- Semantic Web Service Offer Discovery.- Top-Down Modeling Methodology for Model-Driven SOA Construction.- Workshop on Mobile and Networking Technologies for Social Applications (MONET).- MONET 2007 PC Co-chairs’ Message.- Social Knowledge Building in a Mobile Learning Environment.- Improving Collaboration and Interaction in Distributed B-Learning Environment.- Re-experiencing History in Archaeological Parks by Playing a Mobile Augmented Reality Game.- A Hybrid Grammar-Based Approach to Multimodal Languages Specification.- Enabling Rapid Development of Multimodal Data Entry Applications.- An Approach for Managing Ambiguities in Multimodal Interaction.- Supporting Social Networks by Event-Driven Mobile Notification Services.- Realising Context-Sensitive Mobile Messaging.- The Mobile Interfaces for Geo-hypermedia Databases.- Personalized Information Access in a Wiki Using Structured Tagging.- A Collection-Oriented Framework for Social Applications.- A Virtual Shopper Customer Assistant in Pervasive Environments.- Profiling Nomadic Users Considering Preferences and Context of Use.- ANN-Agent for Distributed Knowledge Source Discovery.- P2P Routing-by-Content on a Lightweight Community Basis.- Towards a Society of Peers: Expert and Interest Groups in Peer-to-Peer Systems.- Self-organization of Wireless Networks Through Declarative Local Communication.- Workshop on Ontology Content and Evaluation in Enterprise (OntoContent).- OnToContent 2007 PC Co-chairs’ Message.- Evaluation Framework for Automatic Ontology Extraction Tools: An Experiment.- Ontology Design Risk Analysis.- On Conducting a Decision Group to Construct Semantic Decision Tables.- Ontological Modeling for Interactive Question Answering.- Federated Ontology Search for the Medical Domain.- An Ontology-Based Technique for Validation of MRI Brain Segmentation Methods.- Workshop on Object-Role Modeling (ORM).- ORM 2007 PC Co-chairs’ Message.- Business Process Modeling and ORM.- Fact-Oriented Modeling in the Data-, Process- and Event Perspectives.- Declarative Process Modeling with Business Vocabulary and Business Rules.- A NIAM2007 Conceptual Analysis of the ISO and OMG MOF Four Layer Metadata Architectures.- A Meta-model for Ontologies with ORM2.- Object Role Modeling Enabled Metadata Repository.- Using ORM in an Ontology Based Approach for a Common Mapping Across Heterogeneous Applications.- Modeling Data Federations in ORM.- Promising Chance of Innovation for Conceptual Modeling in Commerzbank.- Industrial Experience with Fact Based Modeling at a Large Bank.- Is There Fact Orientation Life Preceding Requirements?.- Reduction Transformations in ORM.- Visualizing Formalisms with ORM Models.- Advances in FCO-IM (2): A Shorter Algorithm for Determining Intra Fact Type Uniqueness Constraints.- Mapping ORM into the SHOIN/OWL Description Logic.- Mapping OWL-DL into ORM/RIDL.