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forsberg michael; harris james; archibald george - on ancient wings – the sandhill cranes of north america

On Ancient Wings – The Sandhill Cranes of North America The Sandhill Cranes of North America

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Lingua: Inglese
Pubblicazione: 12/2004


Elegant, noble, and spiritual, the sandhill crane is one of the most ancient of all birds. More than a half-million strong, flying in squadrons, these majestic creatures point northward to their Arctic and sub-Arctic breeding ranges. Theirs is an epic story of endurance through the ages. With an intimate lens, Michael Forsberg documented sandhill cranes during a five-year journey across North America. On Ancient Wings intertwines the lives of cranes, people, and their common places to tell their story at a time when sandhill cranes and their wetland and grassland habitats face daunting prospects.

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Condizione: Nuovo
Dimensioni: 285 x 18.45 x 286 mm Ø 1294 gr
Formato: Copertina rigida
Pagine Arabe: 168

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