1.Introduction: ‘What’s New and Exciting?’, Fergus McNeill, Peter Raynor and Chris Trotter Part One: New directions in theory 2.Viewing Offender Assessment and Rehabilitation Through the Lens of the Risk-Needs-Responsivity Model, Jim Bonta and Don Andrews 3.Strengths and Risks: The Good Lives Model of Offender Rehabilitation, Tony Ward 4.The Desistance Paradigm in Correctional Practice: From Programs to Lives, Shadd Maruna and Thomas P. LeBel Part Two: Staff skills and effective offender supervision 5.Technology Transfer: The Importance of On-Going Clinical Supervision in Translating ‘What Works’ to Everyday Community Supervision,Guy Bourgon, Jim Bonta, Tanya Rugge and Leticia Gutierrez 6.Skills and strategies in probation supervision: the Jersey study, Peter Raynor, Pamela Ugwudike and Maurice Vanstone 7.Supervision skills in juvenile justice, Chris Trotter and Philippa Evans Part Three: Improving offender supervision 8.The Role of Risk, Needs and Strengths Assessment in Improving Supervision, Hazel Kemshall 9.Managing Chaos: Implementing Evidence Based Practices in Correctional Agencies,Faye S Taxman and Judith Sachwald 10.Can Structured Programmes Improve One-to-One Supervision? Pauline Durrance, Nigel Hosking and Nancy Thorburn 11.Beyond supervision: Judicial involvement in offender management, Gill McIvor Part Four: Significant others and social networks 12.It’s relational: Integrating families into community corrections, Carol Shapiro and Margaret DiZerega 13.Justice for all: Family matters in offender supervision, Bas Vogelvang and Herman van Alphen 14.Working with families in criminal justice, Chris Trotter 15.Collaborating with the Community, Trained Volunteers and Faith Traditions: Building Social Capacity and Making Meaning to Support Desistance, Tom O’Connor and Brad Bogue Part Five: Offenders’ compliance with supervision 16.Compliance with community penalties: the importance of interactional dynamics, Pamela Ugwudike 17.Case Management in Corrections: Evidence, Issues and Challenges, Shelley Turner 18.The Dynamics of Compliance with Offender Supervision, Gwen Robinson and Fergus McNeill 19.Exploring Community Service, Understanding Compliance, Trish McCulloch Part Six: Offender supervision in its contexts20.The Socio-Political Context of Reforms in Probation Agencies: Impact on Adoption of Evidence-based Practices, Faye Taxman, Craig Henderson and Jennifer Lerch 21.Revising the National Outcomes and Standards for Criminal Justice Social Work Services in Scotland, Tim Chapman 22.The Purposes of Supervision: Practitioner and Policy Perspectives in England and Wales, John Deering 23.Pre-sentence Reports in England and Wales: Changing Discourses of Need, Risk and Quality, Loraine Gelsthorpe, Peter Raynor and Gwen Robinson 24.Supervision in historical context: Learning the lessons of (oral) history,Fergus McNeill 25.Electronic monitoring: Towards integration into offender management? Mike Nellis 26.Conclusion: Where are we now? Fergus McNeill, Peter Raynor and Chris Trotter