Promoting scientific support for the plethora of health benefits related to nutrition and medicine, Nutraceuticals in Health and Disease Prevention delivers a comprehensive and scientifically sound overview of the latest research findings in disease prevention, therapy, and enhanced body function in the revolutionary field of nutraceutical technology-with highlights from the Nutraceutical Conference held in Ludwigshafen, Germany. Includes perspectives and reviews from recognized experts on nutraceuticals of scientific and public interest! Recognizing the need to control the balance between environmental stressors and human health, Nutraceuticals in Health and Disease Prevention 7presents developing areas of nutraceutical research with studies of effective examples 7examines pathology treatments, including effects of S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe) on inflammatory disease and polyphenols on cardiovascular disease 7investigates the role and benefits of vitamin E in aging and the antioxidant network 7discusses the potency, multiple uses, and metabolic aspects of lipoic (thioctic) acid 7reviews the second generation of carotenoid research and the disease prevention properties of lycopene and lutein 7considers how polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) contribute to a healthy diet, from clinical and molecular perspectives 7profiles the efficacy, safety, and use of creatine as an anabolic nutraceutical by athletes 7analyzes identification methods for optimum delivery of nutrients, illustrated by the example of methyltetrahydrofolate 7and much more! Containing over 1100 valuable literature references, drawings, and tables, Nutraceuticals in Health and Disease Prevention functions as anindispensable reference in the libraries of nutritionists and dietitians, pharmacists, molecular and cell biologists and biochemists, oncologists, endocrinologists, dermatologists, physiologists, epidemiologists, neurochemists, pediatricians, and upper-level undergraduate, graduate, and