Contents: Preface. F.A. King, C.J. Yarbrough, Yerkes Primate Research Center: A Historical Perspective. Part I: Limbic System and Behavior. L.E. Jarrard, T.L. Davidson, The Hippocampus and Complex, Nonspatial Discrimination: Is Learning Still "Not Possible?" N.A. Schmajuk, H.T. Blair, Time, Space, and the Hippocampus. D.S. Olton, Repairing the Damaged Septohippocampal System. L.W. Means, Working Memory for Water-Escape Loci in Rodents. J.J. Chrobak, A.L. Vi, G. Buzsáki, Septal Regulation of the Hippocampal-Entorhinal Network: Memory Formation and Failure. A. Poplawsky, The Effects of Gangliosides or Nimodipine on Promoting Behavioral Recovery in Rats With Septal Damage. D.P. Kimble, J.P. Vicedomini, The Septohippocampal Connection: Some Behavioral and Anatomical Relationships. Part II: Plasticity in Behavior and Brain. M.G. Packard, C.L. Williams, L. Cahill, J.L. McGaugh, The Anatomy of a Memory Modulatory System: From Periphery to Brain. T.L. Petit, Structure and Plasticity of the Hebbian Synapse: The Cascading Events for Memory Storage. F.H. Gage, G.R. Chalmers, K.L. Eagle, M.H. Tuszynski, M.D. Kawaja, Functional Recovery Following Damage to the Adult Rat Septohippocampal System. M.L. Woodruff, R.H. Baisden, Variables Influencing Behavior After Transplants of Fetal Hippocampus. G.M.J. Ramakers, I.J.A. Urban, P.N.E. de Graan, W.H. Gispen, Hebbian Plasticity in the Hippocampus: Involvement of Protein Phosphorylation and Protein Kinase C. J.E. Springer, F.M. Sessler, B.J. Gwag, Neuronal Activity Regulates Nerve Growth Factor mRNA Expression in the Adult Rat Hippocampal Formation. B. Bohus, G.A. Cottrell, C. Nyakas, H.J.A. Beldhuis, P.G.M. Luiten, Stress, Stress Hormones, Kindling, and Neural Plasticity. Part III: Neural and Chemical Determinants of Normal and Abnormal Behavior. J.H. Hannigan, Behavioral Plasticity After Teratogenic Alcohol Exposure as Recovery of Function. S.A. McDougall, C.A. Crawford, A.J. Nonneman, Age-Related Differences in Dopamine-Mediated Behaviors: Effects of Irreversible Antagonism. C. Van Hartesveldt, Development of Dopamine Systems and Behavior. R.W. Doty, Brainstem Influences on Forebrain Processes, Including Memory. D. de Wied, ACTH Neuropeptides, Learning and Creativity. K.H. Pribram, The Enigma of Reinforcement. J.P. Ryan, Wandering in Alzheimer's Disease: Clinical and Neurobiological Perspectives. K.F. Jensen, Evaluating the Structural Integrity of the Nervous System for Risk Assessment.