General Principles: Principles of CT Principles of CT perfusion, CT angiography, CT urography, and HRCT Use and application of contrast material Post-processing techniques in CT Radiation dose Computer-aided detection principles for physician Neck-Brain: Pathology of the head Pathology of neck (from infection to neoplasm) Neoplasm of the brain Degenerative disease of the brain and aging brain Infective disease of the brain Traumatic disease of the skull and brain Cardiovascular System: Coronary artery pathology Imaging of the heart Pathologies of the pericardium Pulmonary embolism and pulmonary hypertension Carotid arteries and Circle of Willis (including aneurysms) CT angiography of aorta (including thoracic) and splanchnic vessels CT angiography of lower leg and arms CT venography CAD system applied to vascular systems Thorax: Trachea and bronchi Infective pathology of the lung Degenerative pathology of the lung Pulmonary neoplasm of the lung Pleura, thoracic wall, and diaphragm Pulmonary lung CAD systems Abdomen and GI System: Liver Biliary system Spleen Pancreas Adrenal glands Pathologies of the stomach and small intestines Retroperitoneum Abdominal wall Pathologies of the colon and rectum Post traumatic and post-surgical abdomen CAD applied to gastrointestinal system Pelvis and Urinary System: Kidney and ureters Bladder and urethra Male pelvis: prostate, seminal vesicles, and testes Female pelvis: uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, and vagina Musculoskeletal System: Degenerative disease of the spine Inflammatory disease of the spine Neoplasms of the spine Sacrum-iliac pathology Leg and arm Pathology of the muscles Special Applications: Pediatric application Dual source CT: tissue characterization CAD Applications to CT: CAD CT Lung Application CAT CT Vascular Application.