Dr. Carlo Perricone, is a ECR in autoimmune diseases, Born in Rome on 19 April 1984. 'Surgeon Specialist in Rheumatology, has a Ph.D. in Immunological Sciences, hematology, and Rheumatics at Sapienza University of Rome. He received with honors the Master Degree in Medicine and Surgery in July 2007 at the University of Rome
Professor Yehuda Shoenfeld is the President of the Center for Autoimmune Diseases (present), incumbent of the Laura Schwarz-Kipp Chair for Research of Autoimmune Diseases in Tel Aviv University (since 2002-Present), Emeritus Professor of the Sackler School of Medicine in Tel Aviv University and teaches medical studies and MSc and PhD students (since 1985). Prof. Shoenfeld has edited a series of textbooks entailing "The Mosaic of Autoimmunity," "Autoantibodies," "Infection and Autoimmunity," and "Diagnostic Criteria of Autoimmune Diseases" (Elsevier Pub.). He has served on 36 editorial boards and is the organizer of more than 25 international congresses on autoimmunity. He is the author of > 2000 peer-reviewed papers reported in the field of autoimmunity and internal medicine. More than 65,000 citations.