Contents List of tables List of figures List of abbreviations Notes on contributors Introduction: Ian Menter and Ann Childs Part 1 Closing the Gap: Test and Learn Chapter 1 Who, how and why? Motives and agendas for key stakeholders in Closing the Gap. Ann Childs, Roger Firth and Ian Thompson Chapter 2 Closing the Gap - Test and Learn: an unprecedented national educational research project, Richard Churches, Robin Hall and Juliet Brookes Chapter 3 Closing the Evidence Gap? The challenges of the research design of the Closing the Gap: Test and Learn project, Ian Menter and Ian Thompson Chapter 4 Closing the Gap and professional learning - two targets for a national project, Philippa Cordingley, Paul Crisp and Bart Crisp Part 2: Teachers and Research Methods - Some Wider Issues Chapter 5 Room in the toolbox? The place of Randomised Controlled Trials in educational research, Steve Higgins Chapter 6 The potential of teacher-led randomised controlled trials in education research, Richard Churches, Robin Hall and Steve Higgins Chapter 7 Building research capacity and relationships in schools: the consequences of involvement in 'Closing the Gap', Ann Childs and Nigel Fancourt Chapter 8 Research ethics in 'Closing the Gap': equipoise in randomised controlled trials in education, Nigel Fancourt Part 3: New approaches to school-based educational research Chapter 9 Teacher-researchers’ expanding perceptions of research in a school-university collaborative research project, Els Laroes, Larike H. Bronkhorst, Sanne F. Akkerman, and Theo Wubbels Chapter 10 The future promise of RCTs in Education: some reflections on the Closing the Gap project, Paul Connolly Chapter 11 What’s not to like about RCTs in education?, Trevor Gale Afterword, Ann Childs and Ian Menter