Performing Memory Through Dance. Anthropological PerspectivesDossier edited by Susanne Franco and Franca Tamisari IntroductionSusanne Franco, Franca Tamisari An autoethnographic spiral: dancing "showerhead"Elizabeth Waterhouse Dancing with and for others in the field and postcolonial encounterFranca Tamisari Performing Salome in the Pacific. Three works by Yuki KiharaSusanne Franco AfterwordAnn R. David Saggi "Voi non mi conoscete, ci scommetto!" Giro a vuoto (1960) di Laura Betti, tra cabaret letterario e riforma della canzoneBenedetta Zucconi Artisanal inventiveness. The dynamics of rewriting in the plays of northern Italian puppeteers (19th-20th century)Francesca Di Fazio The sound and visual dramaturgy of Romeo CastellucciCarlo Fanelli The City as a Score: Dialoguing with the Ex-Ghetto Ebraico of Bologna through Museum Research and Choreographic PracticeSilvia Garzarella, Sarah Minisohn L'Orfeo di Trisha Brown: il mito tra danza pura ed eloquenza mimicaAline Nari Re-enactment e Bildung: il caso etico de La reprise di Milo RauAndrea Vecchia