Advances in Medical Infrared Imaging, N.A. Diakides, M. Diakides, J.C. Lupo, J.L. Paul, and R. Balcerak The Historical Development of Thermometry and Thermal Imaging in Medicine, F.E. Ring and B.F. Jones Infrared Detectors and Detector Arrays for Medical Imaging, P.R. Norton, S.B. Horn, J.G. Pellegrino, and P. Perconti Infrared Camera Characterization, J.G. Pellegrino, J. Zeibel, R.G. Driggers, and P. Perconti Infrared Camera and Optics for Medical Applications, M.W. Grenn, J. Vizgaitis, J.G. Pellegrino, and P. Perconti Physiology of Thermal Signals, D.D. Pascoe, J.B. Mercer, and L. de Weerd Quantitative Active Dynamic Thermal IR — Imaging and Tomography in Medical Diagnostics, A. Nowakowski Dynamic Thermal Assessment, M. Anbar Infrared Imaging of the Breast — An Overview, W.C. Amalu, W.B. Hobbins, J.F. Head, and R.L. Elliot Functional Infrared Imaging of the Breast: Historical Perspectives, Current Application, Future Considerations, J.R. Keyserlingk, P.D. Ahlgren, E. Yu, N. Belliveau, and M. Yassa Detecting Breast Cancer from Thermal Infrared Images by Asymmetry Analysis, H. Qi, P.T. Kuruganti, and W.E. Snyder Advanced Thermal Image Processing, B. Wiecek, M. Strzelecki, T. Jakubowska, M. Wysocki, and C. Drews-Peszynski Physiology-Based Face Recognition in the Thermal Infrared Spectrum, P. Buddharaju and I. Pavlidis Infrared Imaging for Functional Monitoring of Disease Processes, M. Hassan, V. Chernomordik, A. Vogel, D. Hattery, I. Gannot, R.F. Little, R. Yarchoan, and A.H. Gandjbakhche Biomedical Applications of Functional Infrared Imaging, A. Merla and G.L. Romani Fever Mass Screening Tool for Infectious Diseases Outbreak: Integrated Artificial Intelligence with Bio-Statistical Approach in Thermogram Analysis, E.Y.K. Ng and E.C. Kee Thermal Imaging in Diseases of the Skeletal and Neuromuscular Systems, F.E. Ring and K. Ammer Functional Infrared Imaging in the Evaluation of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, Type I: Current Pathophysiological Concepts, Methodology, Case Studies, Clinical Implications, T.D. Conwell, J. Giordano, and S.J. Gulevich Thermal Imaging in Surgery, P. Campbell and R. Thomas Infrared Imaging Applied to Dentistry, B.M. Gratt Use of Infrared Imaging in Veterinarian Medicine, R.C. Purohit, T.A. Turner, and D.D. Pascoe Standard Procedures for Infrared Imaging in Medicine, K. Ammer and F.E. Ring Storage and Retrieval of Medical Thermograms, G.Schaefer Ethical Obligations in Infrared Imaging Research and Practice, J.Giordano Index