Theoretical and Experimental Research of Efficiency of Gas Purification in Rotoklon with Internal Circulation of a Liquid, R. R. Usmanova and G. E. ZaikovLecture Note on Quantum-Chemical Mechanism and Synthesis of Selected Compounds, V. A. Babkin, V. U. Dmitriev, G. A. Savin, E. S. Titova, and G. E. ZaikovTransport Properties of Films of ¿hitosan–Amikacin, A. S. Shurshina, E. I. Kulish, and S. V. KolesovResearch and Calculation of Operating Conditions of Clearing of Gas in a Rotoklon, R. R. Usmanova and G. E. ZaikovThe Effect of the Modification of Silica-Gelatin Hybrid Systems on the Properties of Some Paper Products, Przemyslaw Pietras, Zenon Foltynowicz, Hieronim Maciejewski, and Ryszard FiedorowAn Influence of a Size and of the Size Distribution of Silver Nanoparticles on Their Surface Plasmon Resonance, A. R. Kytsya, O. V. Reshetnyak, L. I. Bazylyak, and Yu. M. HryndaAn Influence of the Kinetic Parameters of the Reaction on a Size of Obtained Nanoparticles at the Reduction of Silver Ions by Hydrazine, A. R. Kytsya, Yu. M. Hrynda, L. I. Bazylyak, and G. E. ZaikovKinetics and Mechanism of Interaction Between Ozone and Rubbers, V. V. Podmasteryev, S. D. Razumovsky, and G. E. ZaikovThe Intercommunication of Fractal Analysis and Polymeric Cluster Medium Model, G. V. Kozlov, I. V. Dolbin, Jozef Richert, O. V. Stoyanov, and G. E. ZaikovPolymers as Natural Composites: Structure and Properties, G. V. Kozlov, I. V. Dolbin, Jozef Richert, O. V. Stoyanov, and G. E. ZaikovA Lecture Note on Cluster Model of Polymers Amorphous State Structure, G. V. Kozlov, I. V. Dolbin, Jozef Richert, O. V. Stoyanov, G. E. ZaikovLecture Notes on Quantum Chemichl Calculation, V. A. Babkin, G. E. Zaikov, D. S. Andreev, Yu. Kalashnikova, Yu. S. Artemova, and D. V. SivovolovResearch Methodologies on Physicochemical Properties and Structure of Graphitic Carbons, Heinrich BadenhorstThe Effect of Antioxidant Compounds on Oxidative Stress in Unicellular Aquatic Organisms, O. V. Karpukhina, K. Z. Gumargalieva, and A. N. InozemtsevA Lecture Note on Determination of Acid Force of Components of Synthesis of 1-[2-(¿-Acetylmethyl)-3-¿-Acetyl-2-Ethyl]- Methyldichlorinephosphite<, V. A. Babkin, V. U. Dmitriev, G. A. Savin, E. S. Titova, and G. E. ZaikovResearch Methodology on Design and Synthesis of Hydrogel-Based Supports, D. Horák and H. HlídkováIndex