PrefaceProduction of Microtubes from a Chitosan Solution in Glycolic Acid; Tatiana S. Babicheva, Natalia O. Gegel, and Anna B. ShipovskayaPhysico-Chemical Laws of Surface Oxidation of Polypropylene and Polyethylene; M. V. Bazunova, S. V. Kolesov, R. F. Tukhvatullin, E. I. Kulish, and G. E. Zaikov Liquid Filling with Rubber Solution Polymerization; Ilia Valerievich Pankov, Viktor Petrovich Yudin, and Viktor Nikolaevich VerezhnikovIntensification of the Processes of Oil and Gas Mixtures Heating in Horizontal Pipe; Z. Salimov, O. Ismailov, Sh. Saydahmedov, and G. E. ZaikovCadmium and Lead in Acid Sod-Podzolic Soils; Lyudmila N. Shikhova and Eugene M. LisitsynStructural Fragments of Asphaltenes from Crude Oil; R. N. Shiryaeva, F. H. Kudasheva, and D. I. Shafigullin¿Oxidation of Apple Pectin under the Action of Hydrogen Peroxide; Yu. S. Zimin, N. S. Borisova, and G. R. TimerbaevaUltrathin Poly(3-Hydroxybutyrate) Fibers; S. G. Karpova, A. L. Iordanskii, M. V. Motyakin, A. A. Ol’khov, O. V. Staroverova, S. M. Lomakin, N. G. Shilkina, S. Z. Rogovina, and A. A. BerlinActivated Carbon Nanofibers in Fuel Cells: An Engineering Perspective; Saeedeh Rafiei, Maryam Ziaei, and A. K. HaghiTrends in Polymer Chemistry; G. E. ZaikovPreparation of Micro and Nano-Sized Polymer-Colloid Complexes; E. I. Kulish, M. V. Bazunova, L. A. Sharafutdinova, V. G. Shamratova, and G. E. ZaikovEntropic Nomograms and S-Curves; G. ¿. Korablev, N. G. Petrova, R. G. Korablev, P. L. Maksimov, and G. E. ZaikovOxidation 2-(N-Acetylamino)-2-(3,5-Di-Tert-Butyl-4-Hydroxyphenyl)-Propionic Acid by Oxygen in an Alkaline Condition; A. A. Volodkin, G. E. Zaikov, L. N. Kurkovskaja, S. M. Lomakin, I. M. Levina, and E. V. KoverzanovaFormation 2-(3’, 5'-Di-Tert-Butyl-4 '-Hydroxyphenyl)Ethyloxy-P-Cresol in Reaction of Basic Hydrolysis Diethyl N-Acetylamino-(3,5-Di-Tert-Butyl-4-Hydroxybenzyl)-Malonate; A. A. Volodkin, G. E. Zaikov, L. N. Kurkovskaja, S. M. Lomakin, I. M. Levina, and E. V. KoverzanovaIndex