Composites. Identification of the Complex Moduli of Thin Fibre Reinforced Polymer Plates Using Measured Modal Parameters; J. de Visscher, et al. Characterization of Interphase Conditions in Composite Materials, P.F.M. Meurs, et al. Identification of Shear-Moduli of Microstructures; G. Schiltges, et al. Identification of the Dynamic Material Properties of Composite Sandwich Panels with a Mixed Numerical/Experimental Techniques; I. Peeters, H. Sol. Mixed Numerical and Experimental Stiffness Identification Methods for Soft Textile Composites; C. Szostkiewics, et al. Elasto-Plasticity. A Simple Method for Determining the Anisotropic Properties of Cold Drawn Wire; B. Carlsson. Analysis of Inhomogeneous Displacement Fields for Identification of Parameters for Elasto-Plastic Deformation Laws; U.J. Görke, et al. Determination of Parameters in Elasto-Plastic Models of Aluminium; M.H.H. Meuwissen, et al. Material Parameter Identification for Large Deformation Plasticity Models; V.V. Toropov, et al. An Inverse Approach for the Identification of Complex Material Behaviours; O. Ghouati, J.C. Gelin. Miscellaneous. Discussion on Some Estimators in Mixed Numerical/Experimental Methods; H. Hua, et al. Stochastic Parameter Identification in the Case of Data Uncertainties; I.N. Trendafilova. A Combined Numerical/Experimental Method for Estimating Parameters and Structure of Viscoelastic Constitutive Equations Using Complex Flows; J.F.M. Schoonen, et al. Computer Aided Identification of the Temperature Dependence of Thermal Properties; P. Koc, B. Stock. Concrete and Soil. Complex Material Property Identification for Cement Matrix Composites by a Mixed Numerical-Experimental Method; J. Vantomme, et al. Experiments andSimulations of Interface Fracture in Concrete; A. Vervuurt, J.G.M. van Mier. Inverse Analysis of a Tunnel Excavation Problem from Displacement and Pore Water Pressure Measurements; A. Ledesma, A. Gens. Biological Materials. Characterization of the In-Plane Mechanical Behaviour of the Human Skin in vivo; W.K.L. van der Voorden, L.F.A. Douven. Determination of Trabecular Bone Tissue Elastic Properties by Comparison of Experimental and Finite Element Results; B. van Rietbergen, et al. Damage. Mixed Numerical/Experimental Method for the Identification of Damage in Composite Materials; P.J.P. Bouquet. Inverse Identification of the Internal Length Scale of Quasi-Brittle Materials Using Nonlocal Damage Models; J. Carmeliet. Parameter Identification of the Cohesive Crack Model; G. Bolzon, et al. Material Property Assessment in Cracked Reinforced Concrete by Dynamic System Identification; J.M. Ndambi, et al. Abstracts from the Presented Posters. Elastic Moduli Identification of a Composite Tube and an Epoxy Resin Plate Using both Experimental and Numerical Model Analysis; P. Amat, D. Gay. Soil Identification Using Data Processing of Penetration Experiments; D.B. Balashov. Complete Elastic Characterization of Transversely Isotropic Composite Rods by Guided Structural Waves; J. Vollmann, et al. Identification of Material Parameters for Measurement Error Models via Multiplier Methods; T. Flöck. Fibre/Matrix Interface Fracture Toughness Identification in Single Fibre Fragmentation Test; R. Joffe, J. Varna. A Mixed Numerical and Experimental Approach for the Identification of Elastic Plastic Relations in a Wide Range of Strains, Strain-Rates and Temperature; F. Llorca, A. Juanicotena.