Contents: Preface. J. Bryant, R.G. Cummins, Traditions of Mass Media Theory and Research.M. Allen, R.W. Preiss,Media, Messages, and Meta-Analysis. M. Allen, M.K. Casey,Wherefore Art Thou Mass Media Theory? W. Wanta, S. Ghanem, Effects of Agenda Setting. D.R. Roskos-Ewoldsen, M.R. Klinger, B. Roskos-Ewoldsen, Media Priming: A Meta-Analysis. B. Paul, M.B. Salwen, M. Dupagne, The Third-Person Effect: A Meta-Analysis of the Perceptual Hypothesis. D. D'Alessio, M. Allen, The Selective Exposure Hypothesis and Media Choice Processes. R. Abelman, C.A. Lin, D.J. Atkin, Meta-Analysis of Television's Impact on Special Populations. R.I. Nabi, "And Miles to Go...": Reflections on the Past and Future of Mass Media Effects Research. P.N. Christensen, W. Wood, Effects of Media Violence on Viewers' Aggression in Unconstrained Social Interaction. R. Desmond, R. Carveth, The Effects of Advertising on Children and Adolescents: A Meta-Analysis. N. Mundorf, M. Allen, D. D'Alessio, T. Emmers-Sommer, Effects of Sexually Explicit Media. P. Oppliger, Effects of Gender Stereotyping on Socialization. C.A. Hoffner, K.J. Levine, Enjoyment of Mediated Horror and Violence: A Meta-Analysis. J.L. Sherry, Violent Video Games and Aggression: Why Can't We Find Effects? M. Allen, J. Herrett-Skjellum, J. Jorgenson, M.R. Kramer, D.J. Ryan, L. Timmerman, Effects of Music. M-L. Mares, E.H. Woodard, Positive Effects of Television on Children's Social Interaction: A Meta-Analysis. E. Schiappa, M. Allen, P.B. Gregg, Parasocial Relationships and Television: A Meta-Analysis of the Effects. T-S. Lim, S.Y. Kim, Many Faces of Media Effects. L.B. Snyder,Meta-Analyses of Mediated Health Campaigns. L.M. Parcell, J. Kwon, D. Miron, J. Bryant, An Analysis of Media Health Campaigns for Children and Adolescents: Do They Work? M.K. Casey, M. Allen, T. Emmers-Sommer, E. Sahlstein, D. DeGooyer, A.M. Winters, A.E. Wagner, T. Dun, The Impact of Earvin "Magic" Johnson's HIV-Positive Announcement. B.A. Hollander, Media Use and Political Involvement. D. Miron, J. Bryant, Mass Media and Voter Turnout. J. Shanahan, C. Glynn, A. Hayes, The Spiral of Silence: A Meta-Analysis and Its Impact. D. D'Alessio, M. Allen, On the Role of Newspaper Ownership on Bias in Presidential Campaign Coverage by Newspapers. M. Pfau, What's in a Meta-Analysis. E. Perse, Meta-Analysis: Demonstrating the Power of Mass Communication. M. Allen, R.G. Preiss, N. Burrell, The Challenge of Media Effects for Teaching and Policy.