1. “Con Fuerza, Violeta Parra”: The Artist and her Legacy (Patricia Vilches)
Part I. Viola admirable: Compilation, Creation, and the Chilean Nation
2. Violeta Parra and the Chilean Folk Revival of the 1950s (Ericka Verba)
3. What Type of Music did Violeta Parra Make? Her Multiform, Musical, Authorship (Lorena Valdebenito)
4. La Violeta: Making the Transparent Opaque in Violeta Parra’s Work (Jerónimo Duarte Riascos)
5. “I Do Not Play the Guitar for Applause”: Turning the World Upside Down (Alejandro Escobar-Mundaca)
Part II. Como dijera Violeta: Expressions of her Legacy in the Twenty-First Century
6. Creator of Worlds and Songs (Juan Pablo González)
7. Violeta Went to Heaven and the Ethics of Contemporary Latin American Melodrama (Rosa Tapia)
8. Violeta Parra: Her Museum and Carpa as Spaces of Nostalgia (Patricia Vilches)