Richard EK Russell, FRCP, PhD, is Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer at Imperial College, London, UK. He trained at Guy’s Hospital and then further in Respiratory Medicine in South London and the Royal Brompton Hospitals.
Paul A Ford, MRCP, PhD, is MRC Senior Clinical Research Fellow at Imperial College and Honorary Clinical Fellow at the Royal Brompton, and Wexham and Heatherwood NHS trusts.
Peter J Barnes, FMedSci, FRS, is Professor of Thoracic Medicine at Imperial College London, UK. Prof. Barnes runs a large and active multidisciplinary group of over 80 researchers exploring the mechanisms and treatment of asthma and more recently COPD.
Sarah Russell qualified as a Nurse at Guys and Lewisham NHS Trust in 1989 and has worked in the primary, secondary and palliative care charity sector as a palliative care clinical nurse specialist, team leader and multi professional educator.