Foreword - Sir John Daniel Introduction - Mohamed Ally PART 1: M-LIBRARIES: DEVELOPMENTS AROUND THE WORLD 1. Where books are few: the role of mobile phones in the developing world - Ken Banks 2. Mobile technology in Indian librarie - Parveen Babbar and Seema Chandhok 3. Mobile technologies and their possibilities for the library, University of the South Pacific (USP) - Elizabeth C. Reade Fong 4. M-library in an m-university: changing models in the Open University of Catalonia - Dora Pérez and Pep Torn 5. Piloting mobile services at University of Houston Libraries - Karen A. Coombs, Veronica Arellano, Miranda Bennett, Robin Dasler and Rachel Vacek PART 2: TECHNOLOGY IN M-LIBRARIES 6. Evolution of modern library services: the progression into the mobile domain - Damien Meere, Ivan Ganchev, Máirtín Ó’Droma, Mícheál Ó’hAodha and Stanimir Stojanov 7. Bibliographic ontology and e-books - Jim Hahn 8. QR codes and their applications for libraries: a case study from the University of Bath Library - Kate Robinson 9. A tale of two institutions: collaborative approach to support and develop mobile library services and resources - Hassan Sheikh and Tony Tin 10. Designing a mobile device automatic detector to support mobile library systems - Yang Guangbing, Tony Tin, Colin Elliott, Maureen Hutchison and Rory McGreal 11. The Athabasca University Library Digital Reading Room: an iPhone prototype implementation - Rory McGreal, Hongxing Geng, Tony Tin and Darren James Harkness PART 3: APPLICATION OF M-LIBRARIES 12. Mobile access for workplace and language training - Mohamed Ally, Tracey Woodburn, Tony Tin and Colin Elliott 13. Service models for information therapy services delivered to mobiles - Vahideh Z. Gavgani 14. Health literacy and healthy action in the connected age - Paul Nelson and Bob Gann 15. ‘Ask us upstairs’: bringing roaming reference to the Paley stacks - Fred Rowland and Adam Shambaugh 16. The role of an agent supplying content on mobile devices - Jose Luis Andrade 17. Portable science: podcasting as an outreach tool for a large academic science and engineering library - Eugene Barsky and Kevin Lindstrom PART 4: M-LIBRARIES AND LEARNING 18. Mobilizing the development of information skills for students on the move and for the workplace: two case studies of mobile delivery in practice - Hassan Sheikh and Anne Hewling 19. The library’s place in a mobile space - Graham McCarthy and Sally Wilson 20. M-libraries in distance education: a proposed model for IGNOU - Seema Chandhok and Parveen Babbar 21. Bridging the mobile divide: using mobile devices to engage the X and Y generations - Phil Cheeseman and Faye Jackson 22. Information literacy gets mobile - Peter Godwin 23. Library and Student Support (L&SS): flexible, blended and technology-enhanced learning - Victoria Owen PART 5: BUILDING THE EVIDENCE BASE FOR M-LIBRARIES 24. Enhancing library access through the use of mobile technology: case study of information services provided by six mobile companies in Bangladesh - Nafiz Zaman Shuva 25. M-libraries: information use on the move - Keren Mills 26. UCLA and Yale Science Libraries data on cyberlearning and reference services via mobile devices - Brena Smith, Michelle Jacobs, Joseph Murphy and Alison Armstrong 27 Say what? An SMS transcript analysis at New York University - Alexa Pearce, Scott Collard and Kara Whatley Conclusion - Gill Needham and Nicky Whitsed.