Introduction. 1. Modest Beginnings: The Prussian/German Naval Tradition to 1888 2. Kaiser Wilhelm ii: the Years of Hope and Misdirection, 1888-1898 3. The ‘New Course’: Alfred v. Tirpitz, Architect of the Battle Fleet, 1897-1905 4. The Dreadnought Challenge: The Master Plan Goes Awry, 19-05-1911 5. ‘We Have Them Up Against the Wall’: Dénouement, 1912-1914 6. A Place in the Sun: The German Colonial Empire and the navy, 1884-1914 7. ‘Men Fight, not Ships’: The Personnel of the Imperial German Navy 8. August 1914: The War That Came Too Soon 9. Jutland 1916: Missed opportunity or Fortunate Escape? 10. ‘Museum of Experiments’: The End of the Battleship Era, 1914-1918 11. ‘Between the Thames and Helgoland’: German Naval Policies, 1917-1918 12. The Sun Sets: Scapa Flow, 21 June 1919.