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vigneswaran wickii (curatore); garrity edward (curatore) - lung transplantation

Lung Transplantation


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Lingua: Inglese
Pubblicazione: 04/2010
Edizione: 1° edizione

Note Editore

Once considered an experimental therapy, lung transplantation is now regarded as a viable treatment option for selected patients with end-stage lung diseases. As more and more of these cases arise, it becomes imperative for those involved in the care of lung transplant patients to have a vast understanding of the multidiscipline process of lung transplantation. This text provides a comprehensive overview of this process covering everything from the history of the lung transplant program to the long term effects of the procedure.

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Condizione: Nuovo
Collana: Lung Biology in Health and Disease
Dimensioni: 9 x 6 in Ø 1.75 lb
Formato: Copertina rigida
Pagine Arabe: 480

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