Contents: R.R. Hoffman, Series Editor's Preface. Preface. Part I:Orientation. E. Salas, G. Klein, Expertise and Naturalistic Decision Making: An Overview. J.F. Yates, "Outsider:" Impressions of Naturalistic Decision Making. Part II:Tools: Training Methods and Systems Design. R.M. Pliske, M.J. McCloskey, G. Klein, Decision Skills Training: Facilitating Learning From Experience. J.J. Fallesen, J. Pounds, Identifying and Testing a Naturalistic Approach for Cognitive Skill Training. L. DiBello, Solving the Problem of Employee Resistance to Technology by Reframing the Problem as One of Experts and Their Tools. T.E. Miller, A Cognitive Approach to Developing Tools to Support Planning. E.M. Roth, L. Lin, S. Kerch, S.J. Kenney, N. Sugibayashi, Designing a First-Of-A-Kind Group View Display for Team Decision Making: A Case Study. Part III:Decision-Making Models. M.R. Baumann, J.A. Sniezek, C.A. Buerkle, Self-Evaluation, Stress, and Performance: A Model of Decision Making Under Acute Stress. H. Montgomery, Reflective Versus Nonreflective Thinking: Motivated Cognition in Naturalistic Decision Making. V. De Keyser, A-S. Nyssen, The Management of Temporal Constraints in Naturalistic Decision Making. The Case of Anesthesia. S.S. Kirschenbaum, Analyzing Submarine Decision Making: A Question of Levels. J. Orasanu, L. Martin, J. Davison, Cognitive and Contextual Factors in Aviation Accidents: Decision Errors. Part IV:Expertise. J. Shanteau, What Does It Mean When Experts Disagree? L.G. Militello, Representing Expertise. J.M. Schraagen, H. Leijenhorst, Searching for Evidence: Knowledge and Search Strategies Used by Forensic Scientists. S. Sonnentag, Using and Gaining Experience in Professional Software Development. C.O. Dominguez, Expertise in Laparoscopic Surgery: Anticipation and Affordances. H.A. Klein, E.J. Vincent, J.J. Isaacson, Driving Proficiency: The Development of Decision Skills. K.E. Weick, Tool Retention and Fatalities in Wildland Fire Settings: Conceptualizing the Naturalistic. R. Lipshitz, Puzzle-Seeking and Model-Building on the Fire Ground: A Discussion of Karl Weick's Keynote Address. Part V:Teams. J.S. Carroll, J.W. Rudolph, S. Hatakenaka, T.L. Wiederhold, M. Boldrini, Learning in the Context of Incident Investigation: Team Diagnoses and Organizational Decisions at Four Nuclear Power Plants. P.J. Smith, C.E. McCoy, J. Orasanu, Distributed Cooperative Problem Solving in the Air Traffic Management System. V.L. Patel, J.F. Arocha, The Nature of Constraints on Collaborative Decision Making in Health Care Settings. A. Worm, Tactical Mission Analysis by Means of Naturalistic Decision Making and Cognitive Systems Engineering.