Volume 7, Numbers 3 & 4, 1998 Contents: S.M. Williams, C.E. Hmelo, Introduction: Learning Through Problem Solving. Articles: B.J.S. Barron, D.L. Schwartz, N.J. Vye, A. Moore, A. Petrosino, L. Zech, J.D. Bransford, The Cognition and Technology Group at Vanderbilt, Doing With Understanding: Lessons From Research on Problem and Project-Based Learning. J. Krajcik, P.C. Blumenfeld, R.W. Marx, K.M. Bass, J. Fredrics, E. Soloway, Inquiry in Project-Based Science Classrooms: Initial Attempts by Middle School Students. J. Erickson, R. Lehrer, The Evolution of Critical Standards as Students Design Hypermedia Documents. E.B. Coleman, Using Explanatory Knowledge During Collaborative Problem Solving in Science. D.E. Penner, R. Lehrer, L. Schauble, From Physical Models to Biomechanics: A Design-Based Modeling Approach.