1. Introduction Sue Swaffield and Philip E. Poekert 2. The evolving knowledge base on leadership and teacher professional learning: a bibliometric analysis of the literature, 1960-2018 Philip Hallinger and Dhirapat Kulophas 3. Leadership for professional learning towards educational equity: a systematic literature review Philip E. Poekert, Sue Swaffield, Ema K. Demir and Sage A. Wright 4. Seeing anew: the role of student leadership in professional learning Stephanie Hill 5. Working across time and space: developing a framework for teacher leadership throughout a teaching career Rebecca Buchanan, Tammy Mills and Evan Mooney 6. A transformative professional learning meta-model to support leadership learning and growth of early career teachers Fiona King and Eimear Holland 7. Cultivating a schoolwide pedagogy: achievements and challenges of shifting teacher learning on thinking Carmel Patterson and Geoff O’Brien 8. The teacher leadership in Kazakhstan initiative: professional learning and leadership Gulmira Qanay and David Frost 9. Understanding values embedded in the leadership of reciprocal professional learning by teachers Susan Lovett 10. Assessing the success of teacher leadership: the case for asking new questions Jason Margolis and Kathryn Strom 11. Dynamic structural integration: a metaphor for creating conditions to facilitate teacher-centered organisational learning Renée Andrews, Lynda Hayes, Karen Kilgore, Michelina MacDonald and Christy D. Gabbard 12. Teacher collaboration for change: sharing, improving, and spreading Dong Nguyen and David Ng 13. How do ecological perspectives help understand schools as sites for teacher learning? Caroline Daly, Emmajane Milton and Frances Langdon 14. School leadership for professional development: the role of social media and networks Samuel F. Fancera 15. Multivoicedness as a tool for expanding school leaders’ understandings and practices for school-based professional development Carmen Montecinos, Mónica Cortez Muñoz, Fabián Campos and David Godfrey 16. Exploring school leaders’ dilemmas in response to tensions related to teacher professional agency Monika Louws, Rosanne Zwart, Itzél Zuiker, Paulien Meijer, Helma Oolbekkink-Marchand, Harmen Schaap and Anna van der Want 17. The challenge of keeping teacher professional development relevant Janet C. Fairman, David J. Smith, Paige C. Pullen and Steve J. Lebel 18. Leadership learning: the pessimism of complexity and the optimism of personal agency Simon Clarke and Neil Dempster