Introduction: Does One Good Return Deserve Another?, Raymond H. Thompson * Three Ways of Coming Back: Folkloric Perspectives on Arthur's Return, Carl Lindahl * Much Better Burnt: Reading Arthur's Return by the Light of Troy, William R. McKelvy, III * "Come Again, and Thrice as Fair": Reading Tennyson's Beginning, Linda K. Hughes * Re-Vamping Vivien: Reinventing Myth as Victorian Icon, Beverly Taylor * Return of St. George 1850-1915, Joseph A. Kestner * Class, Race, and Arthurian Narrative in San Francisco in the 1870s, Kymberly N. Pinder * Figure of King Arthur in America, Alan Lupack * Chivalric Order for Children: Arthur's Return in Late 19th- and Early 20th-century America, Jeanne Fox-Friedman * King Arthur Goes to War, Norris J. Lacy * Caribbean Galahad and the Secular Sarras, Donald L. Hoffman * Return to Camelot on Page and Screen: Chris Millard's "Four Diamonds," Kevin J. Harty * The Aging of the King: Arthur and America in First Knight, Jacqueline Jenkins * Finding the Grail: Fascist Aesthetics and Mysterious Objects, Mary Baine Campbell