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matsushita mitsuo - international trade and competition law in japan

International Trade and Competition Law in Japan

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Lingua: Inglese
Pubblicazione: 09/1993


This book analyzes the means by which the Japanese government regulates business activity, principally through the use of competition or anti-monopoly laws. These laws operate both within Japan and, to a lesser extent, beyond its borders. The book also examines the legal aspects of industrial policy as well as the legal framework of foreign trade and investment in Japan. As such it goes to the very heart of industrial and commercial life in Japan, and will be of interest to all those who are involved in doing business with Japan, as well as to their legal and financial advisers.

Note Editore

Modern Japanese Law Series This new series has been established to provide scholars and practitioners with a library of books which deal with contemporary issues in Japanese law, particularly in areas of law which are of importance to the international business community. It will include books on Japanese labour law, the Law of Civil Procedure, Securities Regulation, and environmental law. Two volumes containing accurate and up-to-date translations of all the major Japanese Codes (Civil and Criminal) are planned for 1994. This book analyses the means by which the Japanese government regulates business activity, principally through the use of competition or anti-monopoly laws. These laws operate both within Japan and, to a lesser extent, beyond. The book also looks at legal aspects of industrial policy as well as the legal framework of foreign trade and investment in Japan. As such it goes to the very heart of industrial and commercial life in Japan, and will be of interest to all those who are involved in doing business with Japan, as well as to their legal and financial advisers.

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Condizione: Nuovo
Collana: Modern Japanese Law Series
Dimensioni: 243 x 26.0 x 161 mm Ø 696 gr
Formato: Copertina rigida
Pagine Arabe: 364

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