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Since its foundation in 1977 IJURR has been at the cutting–edge of critical urban scholarship. IJURR is taking forward its commitment to interdisciplinary and international urban research, connecting with new audiences and debates, consolidating its position as a leading publication in the field.
1 Economic Rationality Meets Celebrity Urbanology: Exploring Edward Glaeser s City (Jamie Peck)
31 Asset Price Urbanism and Financialization After the Crisis: Ireland s National Asset Management Agency (Michael Byrne)
46 Financializing Desalination: Rethinking the Returns of Big Infrastructure (Alex Loftus and Hug March)
62 World Cities and the Uneven Geographies of Financialization: Unveiling Stratification and Hierarchy in the World City Archipelago (Michiel Van Meeteren and David Bassens)
82 Animating The Urban Vortex: New Sociological Urgencies (Suzanne Hall and Mike Savage)
96 Spaces of Extraction, Metropolitan Explosions: Planetary Urbanization and the Commodity Boom in Latin America (Martín Arboleda)
113 Accounts from Behind the Curtain: History and Geography in the Critical Analysis of Urban Theory (Slavomíra Feren uhová)
132 Strategies for Comparative Urbanism: Post–socialism as a De–territorialized Concept (Tauri Tuvikene)
147 Social Sciences and Urban Studies: Goodbye to Paradigms? (Emilio Duhau)
157 A Limitless Urban Theory? A Response to Scott and Storper s The Nature of Cities: The Scope and Limits of Urban Theory (Oli Mould)
164 Why Cities? A Response (Richard A. Walker)
181 Debate on Global Urbanisms and the Nature of Urban Theory (Jennifer Robinson and Ananya Roy (eds.))
187 Comparative Urbanism: New Geographies and Cultures of Theorizing the Urban (Jennifer Robinson)
200 Who s Afraid of Postcolonial Theory? (Ananya Roy)
210 It s Just the City After All! (Abdoumaliq Simone)
219 The Twenty–First Century Quest for Feminism and the Global Urban (Linda Peake)
228 Provincializing Critical Urban Theory: Extending the Ecosystem of Possibilities (Helga Leitner and Eric Sheppard)
236 Translational Global Praxis: Rethinking Methods and Modes of African Urban Research (Susan Parnell and Edgar Pieterse)
Book Reviews
247 Katherine Lebow Unfinished Utopia: Nowa Huta, Stalinism, and Polish Society, 1949 56 and Kinga Pozniak Nowa Huta: Generations of Change in a Model Socialist Town (Elitza Stanoeva)
249 Kiril Stanilov and Lud k Sýkora (eds.) 2014: Confronting Suburbanization: Urban Decentralization in Postsocialist Central and Eastern Europe. Chichester: Wiley Blackwell (Stefan Bouzarovski)251 Kenny Cupers The Social Project: Housing Postwar France (Harald Engler)
252 Carolyn T. Adams From the Outside In: Suburban Elites, Third–sector Organizations, and the Reshaping of Philadelphia (Todd Swanstrom)
254 Emily E. Straus Death of a Suburban Dream: Race and Schools in Compton, California (Yohann Le Moigne)
256 Jamie Peck and Nik Theodore Fast Policy: Experimental Statecraft at the Thresholds of Neoliberalism (Cristina Temenos)
258 Andrew MacLaran and Sinead Kelly (eds.) Neoliberal Urban Policy and the Transformation of the City: Reshaping Dublin (Therese Kenna)
260 Federico Caprotti Eco–cities and the Transition to Low Carbon Economies (Rachel Huxley)
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